Built For A Tank, page 1
part #2 of Rulers of Darkness MC Series

Built Like a Tank
(Rulers of Darkness MC, Book 2)
Belle Winters
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.
This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.
Copyright © 2018 Shannon Jackson. All rights reserved. Including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author.
Version 2017.02.01
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
“Dad, mom… this is a horrible idea. How can you do this to Angie?” I asked.
My father sighed. “I know Joseph. We just don’t have any other choice.”
I shrugged his hand off of my shoulder. “I can get more shifts, do some more work on the side.” I offered.
He shook his head. “It still won’t be enough. These men are offering us a lot of money. It will help us get by for a while. We need this more than anything. Trust me; we don’t want to do this – “
I cut him off. “So then don’t. There’s not enough money in the world that will make this ok.”
My mother was crying in the corner silently. “How can you let this happen?” I asked her. “She is your daughter.”
She only cried harder but didn’t have a response. “I won’t let them take her. I don’t care, I will take her and leave. I’ll take care of her, but I will not let you do this.”
My father frowned. “Sorry, but we have no choice. We have already made a deal. Son, these men are dangerous, and we cannot simply say no now. They will be here later today, and we must give her over.”
My eyes were burning with unshed tears. “How could you? That is your daughter, my baby sister. You cannot just sell her like an object.”
My father looked fed up and over the discussion. “Enough Joseph. Prepare your sister in her best dress as we told you to. They will be here soon for her, and she must be ready. Say your goodbyes then.” He ordered and stormed off.
My shoulders dropped in defeat, and I couldn’t contain the sobs that broke free. I took care of this house and my brothers and sisters. How could he just go and give my sister away to men that he didn’t know? What were they going to do to her? My sister was only seven, way too young to be taken from her family and he says there’s nothing we can do about it.
I pulled myself together and went to find my sisters. Angie was wrapped up in the arms of Jenny – my eleven-year-old sister – and Max – my thirteen-year-old brother. When I walked into the room, three pairs of tear-soaked eyes looked up at me. Hope brimming with them.
Fuck, this wasn’t fair. They always looked up to me for everything. To stop the bullies, to buy the food, to fix what breaks. They expected me to heal their cuts, help them with homework, take them to the fairs… to watch their backs. Knowing that there wasn’t anything I could do right now and that they expected me to do something to stop this was like a knife to my heart.
Max stood. “Well?” he asked.
I dropped down to my knees in front of the girls and ran my hand through Angie’s hair. “I love you, Ang; you know that don’t you?” I asked.
She nodded and gave me a weak, “yes.”
“And you know I would do anything for you right?” I asked.
I sighed. “I couldn’t get dad to change his mind. He said it was too late and you must go.” I saw all three of them deflate at once and their hope was gone in an instant replaced by dread. My heart and mind just simply couldn’t handle it. “But it’s not done yet. I will try anything and everything that I can. I swear baby girl.”
She was staring down playing with her fingers. I put my hand under her chin and had her look at me. “I mean it, do you believe me?” I asked.
She nodded. “Yes.”
My gut twisted. I didn’t know what I could do right now, but I wasn’t just going to give up my sister without a fight. She was my baby girl. “Alright. Let’s do what dad said and get you cleaned up, and in a pretty dress, so you don’t get in trouble. I’ll think of something ok?”
Angie and Jenny walked off to do as I said, and a troubled Max stood back and waited until they were out of earshot. He fidgeted and bounced from one foot to the other nervously. “Are you sure? Do you think you can do something or is dad really just going to let them take her?” he asked.
I shook my head. “That’s his plan, but I’m not just going to let them walk into my home and take my sister,” I told him with all the bravado I could muster.
“Well, what do they want with her?” he asked.
“Dad didn’t tell me…” I trailed off my stomach twisting. I wasn’t a fool, and there was only but so many reasons why a group of men would buy a girl that young. None of the ideas made me feel the least bit better about the whole situation.
The waiting was making me insane. I wanted it all to be over with, and at the same time, I was dreading the moment they would arrive. When the bell rang, everyone tensed. We heard the front door open and close, and the sound of male voices drifted to the back of the house.
Only a couple of minutes passed when my father peeked his head into the room. “Angie, let’s go.”
Both my sisters broke out in sobs and Angie stood slowly. She hugged Max then Jenny before slowly walking towards me. “Joey.” She said in a broken whisper.
“Baby girl.” She threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly.
“Come on Angie; it’s time.” My father said from the doorway.
I looked at the man who for the first time in my life I felt hatred for. I took care of the family, and I was the man of the house, but I never complained. But this, this was the icing on the cake. I realized I could never respect this man again.
I cleared my throat. “Let me at least bring her out,” I said.
He opened his mouth to say something, and I quite frankly wasn’t interested in hearing what he had to say. “I will bring her out,” I said more firmly.
He gave a short nod with a scowl but walked away.
Angie looked up at me with pleading eyes. “Please Joey, I don’t wanna go. Don’t make me…” she begged.
Fuck my life, but I just couldn’t let this happen. “Come on baby girl,” I told her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
All of my younger siblings cried harder and looked at me in defeat. Silently accepting this fate that my father thrust on us. I led her to the front of the house, and Max and Jenny followed us hands wrapped tightly together. They were holding onto each other for support and strength to get through this.
As soon as my eyes landed on the four men in the living room with my father, I felt my blood instantly boil. I hated them all.
I was never one to complain. We had little, we were poor and struggling, but we were making it. We were healthy and alive, and I had my brother and sisters to keep me going. We had each other, and that’s all we ever really needed. These men, my father included, were going to destroy that. Losing my sister would crush us all – I don’t know how we could get past this. Especially knowing what we gave her away to. It would eat me up inside and eventually when Max and Jenny realized it; it would crush them even more.
“Is this her?” One man asked nodding towards Angie. The scar on his face made him look dangerous.
My father nodded and grinned. The bastard. “Yes, yes. Well?” he asked looking nervous.
The guy stepped forward and inspected her. He reached out a hand for her, “do you mind letting me see you?” he asked her.
She hesitated then began reaching out a hand. I stepped in front of her before she made contact. “Yes,” I said tightly.
“Joey!” my father said forcefully.
I looked at him and let him see every bit of hatred I felt for him in my gaze. “Joseph,” I said correcting him.
He frowned. Joey was reserved for my family. As far as I was concerned, he no longer was. “My name is Joseph. You do not get to call me that.” I told him.
The man cleared his throat. “While this is all very…” he waved a hand clearly at a loss for words for the drama unfolding in front of him. “We do not have all day.” He looked at Angie. “Let’s go.”
I shook my head. “She’s not going,” I told him.
He looked at me and frowned. “Excuse me?” he asked confused.
I shook my head. “She’s not going,” I repeated.
Angie gripped onto my sides and squeezed tightly. I heard Max’s sharp intake of air. The man studied me, initially with anger then curiosity. “And why may I ask not?”
“Because this is my sister and she belongs here… home with her
He cocked his head to the side. “Hmm. And you think you will stop me?” he asked.
I shrugged. “I will try my best.”
He smiled, and it wasn’t inviting yet wasn’t entirely evil. “I like you, not many men like you.” He mused. “I would love to have you as a soldier. Your loyalty is a fine quality.” He let out a deep breath. “You know, I don’t usually break deals… but in this case, I would make the exception. I will let you keep your sister.” I let out a long breath I didn’t realize I was holding. “But I need my money back.”
My eyes flew to my father. “Pay him back,” I ordered.
My father’s eyes darted away. “I… can’t.” He muttered.
I frowned. “Why not?” I asked.
“We spent most of it,” he said.
Of course, the selfish bastard did and all the while we didn’t know they even had money. We didn’t see the evidence of it. I turned back to the man. “We can make an agreement. I will pay you back I swear. I’m good for it. I will work my ass off to make sure you get back every penny.” I pleaded.
He stared, and for a minute I thought he would take me up on my offer. “You see, fifty grand may take a while to earn back son.” Fifty fucking grand. There was no way in fuck. “So, it seems we may have a small issue you see. You’re not willing to part with your sister, and I’m not willing to part with my money.”
Dread filled me, and I already knew what was going to happen. My stomach sank as realization crept it. “You can take me,” I told him.
I heard the outrage around the room. My younger sibling’s cries of no and my father outraging. If I were gone, he’d have to pick up my slack. I didn’t care; she wasn’t going. The man ignored everything around us and maintained my eye contact. “You will go with me…?” he questioned.
I nodded. “I will.”
“Do you know what you’re signing yourself up for?” he asked curiously.
I didn’t waver. “No,” I answered honestly. “But I have an idea.”
He nodded. “And you will do this willingly?” he asked.
“Yes. As long as you promise never to come back and have dealings with my father for my brother and sisters.” I told him.
“You drive a bargain.” He stated.
I shrugged. “It’s facts, what’s to say that he won’t try again after I’m gone. Then this would be for nothing. I want reassurance that they are free from all of this.”
He eyed my siblings. “You have my word… “
“Joseph.” I supplied.
“Joseph.” He turned to my father. “You heard the man. You are to honor this as well. I am a man of my word, and you will not make me into a liar.” My father paled. He turned back to me. “Let’s go.” He said.
I took a step forward, and Jenny ran forward hands in front of her. “Please mister, can we at least say goodbye.”
He eyed her annoyed but waved a hand granting her wish. They hugged me and cried and begged me not to go. Even Angie said she would go instead. No! When I got to Max, I pulled him in close. “Take care of your sisters, and as soon as you can take them and get the fuck away from them,” I said referring to our parents.
He looked me in the eyes, his watery and full of emotion. I could see his mirroring mine with hatred and pain. “I love you, Joe, stay safe…”
I hugged him tightly. “I love you too bro. Remember what I said.”
His body shook. “what should I tell people? Paul?” he asked.
Paul was my closest friend – hell one of my only friends – and the person that Max knew I was practically in love with. I never told Paul, but I had hoped one day we would be together. “Tell them that I ran away.”
He nodded. “I’ll miss you.” His eyes turned tortured, and I realized he might be more aware of what was happening then he led on. “You will survive this, and when you do come and find us. We’ll be waiting. Always.”
I kissed his forehead. “Always,” I promised.
I released him and turned back to the man and gave him a nod. He led the way out, and I followed them to their car and got in. When one of the men who was with him pulled off, Scarface turned back to me. “I admire you and what you’ve done, but this is business. I am Acid, and I own you.”
I maintained eye contact. “I’m Joseph, and you may own my body… never my soul.” And I promised the same to myself.
I was in the mist of what I knew was a nightmare, but it felt too real. It was back during my first days being a sex slave, and it was horrible. All the younger children were crying and beaten and tortured. They fought and therefore suffered the consequences. I quickly desensitized myself from my abuse, but I couldn’t help but see Angie, Jenny, and Max amongst the boys and girls locked up with me.
There was a girl who they just bought in the day before about Jenny’s size and the same blonde hair. I watched as they dragged her back into the room and tossed her in her cage after being abused. She cried and wailed for a long while. It wasn’t long before another man was brought in and chose her. She decided to fight, tooth and nail and that was when my reality became clear. Acid came in and pulled out a gun and fired off a shot in between her eyes without so much as blinking.
“This is an example of what happens when you give me a hard time. You’re all replaceable; please remember that. I have no issue with disposing of problems.” He’d said and walked away.
I watched as he left her lifeless body there and her blood pooled beneath her. All I could see was Jenny’s face. My heart was beating wildly in my chest as I looked on unable to move my eyes. When a hand clamped down on my shoulder, I froze. It was time to zone out and go to that place inside my head where I was in the room but wasn’t there. They could have my body but not my soul.
Huh. I knew that voice. Something shook me but didn’t move. “Danny.”
My eyes blinked open slowly, and I looked up. The face that greeted me sent butterflies through my body for the first time in years. Paul. Green eyes peered down at me worried. He always made me feel things. He was my first love; my only love and he never even knew.
I blinked hard. This man was Tank, not my Paul. For a second, I believed that he was there with me as I secretly wished all the time. All those years of dreaming about him and imagining everything that could’ve been.
“Hey bro, you alright?” he asked.
I nodded. “Yea… yea. I’m good.” I told him.
He got up and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and tossed them to me. “You’re drenched in sweat, put those on.” He said before climbing back into bed beside me.
It was practically pitch black, so I stripped out of my already borrowed clothes and put the fresh ones on before rolling back into the bed. I wanted to hold onto him, have him hold me to fight off the nightmares. Something that I didn’t have in God knows how long but I refrained. I turned my back to him and sighed.
“Need to talk about it?” he asked.
God yes. “Na, I’ll be fine,” I told him.
He grunted, and I willed sleep to find me. Might take a while.
Chapter 1
There was something about Danny that unsettled me. Back in that shithole when I got a good look at him, I was struck with a sudden feeling of déjà vu. It was insane because I was sure I never met the man before in my life. Lord only fucking knows how long they’d held him. Dicks like Acid didn’t usually recruit grown men. Fuck, they barely held onto them. He must’ve made him some good money because they usually get rid of the kids as they turn into women and men. The fucking pervs they deal with usually prefer them young like Addie young.
The thought of her in there and what could’ve happened to her made my blood boil. Psycho told me shit about what she went through before, and she was a good girl. Sure, she was a bit out of her fucking mind thanks to Sia’s crazy ass most likely but still. Especially not Prez’s girl. She was family, the club princess. She was better fucking protected than the US president if you ask me.
At first, I was skeptical on the man’s motivations on helping her, I mean he ain't know her. Why would someone risk themselves for a girl they ain't know? There were other young girls I’m sure he ain't help, so what the fuck. I’d approached Prez with my concerns… was the man trying to play the sympathy card and get an in here? But Pyscho had a point, how the fuck would he have known we were gonna save her or who she even was. She could’ve told him, yea, but what’s the likely hood that this girl would be their saving grace.