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Tank (Book 2)
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Tank (Book 2)


  Book 2

  By: Kimberly I. Belle

  Chapter 1


  “Tank, stay still. You’re going to rip the stitches I put in.” It was Char, or Sugar as I call her, snapping at me to be still. She’s the president's’ old lady, and a doctor. I’m pissed and anxious from what just went down with our rival club, the Death Riders MC. Sugar is patching me up after a gunfight with the fuckers.

  “I’m sorry Sugar, I just need to see Winger, he’s banged up bad.”

  “I know you’re worried, but he is in good hands. The sooner I can finish with you, the sooner I can check in with Dr. Stevens who’s doing his surgery,” she says as she cuts the last suture string. “Take it easy Tank, you’re hurt too.” Sugar walks out of the room, just as Breaker walks in.

  “I heard you’re not letting Charlie do her job, shit head.” He throws a clean shirt at me and smacks the back of my head. I hate when he does that, he’s been doing it since we were kids.

  “I am letting her do her job, I wanna see Winger. He was a ghost when we came in.” I will never forget how pale our road captain Winger was. Buzz, our Sargent in Arms, put a tourniquet on his leg, but he was still bleeding.

  “Charlie says she will go check in on the surgery and that Dr. Stevens is the best. Let’s go to the waiting room and take it easy. We could have lost both your asses to the Death Riders. Also, before you say anything, we will deal with the Death Riders when Winger is in the clear,” he says. In any other situation, Pres would go after the Death Riders immediately, but we gotta be smart. I feel we have another rat in the club because no one knew of the job but us.

  Breaker stares aimlessly as I put on the clean shirt, mine got all bloody. I would bleed for him and this club. We’re as close to being brothers as one could be without sharing blood, we grew up together and patched in together. I’m the Vice President of the Corrupted Saints and Breaker is our President.

  I finish putting on my clean shirt and slipping my cut on when Heather, one of the nurses and a friend walks in. “You guys, Winger will be okay. Charlie sent me down to tell you she’ll meet you in the ICU waiting room along with Dr. Stevens.” Heather’s like a little sister, her brother was a brother of the club but he passed.

  Heather rushes over and hugs me. “I was so worried about you, Tank,” she stands back and looks up at me. I’m over 6’5 and about 250lbs of muscle, she’s a tiny 5’2. “When Charlie told me some of the brothers got hurt and I didn’t see you in the waiting room, I got scared,” she admits, tearing up.

  I bring her in for a hug, “Don’t worry Heath, a small bullet graze is not going to take a Tank down. Plus, who’s gonna get on your nerves, if I’m gone?”

  She laughs into my now tear stained shirt.

  “Come on, I need to see Winger.”

  3 hours later….

  It’s been three fucking hours since we left the emergency room. Charlie was supposed to give us an update an hour ago. I’m worried something went wrong during his surgery. I know it’s not my fault that Winger got hurt but I’m uneasy and bothered by it all. I really hope we don’t have another traitor in the club, we already went through Crash and Charlie’s brother betraying the MC to the Death Riders. That didn’t end to well for either of them. All I know, is that I need see Winger with my own eyes to know he’s okay, so I can starting searching for the fuckers who attacked us. We’ve been in this waiting room forever.

  I am about to say something to Breaker when I see Liz, the owner of Sweetie Pies walk in. She has another woman with her that I’ve never seen before. She looks a little sloppy, her clothes are huge and dirty, and she’s wearing a beanie with her hair tucked in, it looks kinda weird. I can’t see her face as she’s kept her head down the whole time. I notice them both carrying brown food bags. Liz is new to town and makes some of the most sinful food my tongue has ever touched, just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

  “Oh thank god, I found you guys. I’ve been walking around like a mad woman looking for you. Luckily, I just said bikers and the woman down stairs knew exactly where I needed to go.” Liz says. “Charlie called me earlier and ordered some food for you guys.” She holds up the bags. Buzz immediately moves to help her. I think our Sargent at Arms has a little crush on our resident baker. Ever since they met at Breaker and Charlie’s wedding he has been like a puppy anytime she is around.

  “Let me help you Liz,” Buzz says. “Who’s your friend?” he points to the girl.

  “Oh, sorry, this is Sky, she saw me struggling when I walked in and helped.” Liz sets the bags down on the coffee tables and starts handing out sandwiches and soups. She has been serving lunch a few days a week, to test out food other than sweets. Her baked goods are ab killers.

  “Hi, where do you want these?” Sky says, holding more bags of food.

  “Oh sorry, just put them down over here. Thank you again, Sky,” says Liz.

  Sky looks around not knowing what to do with herself. “It’s not a problem. I’ve gotta get going.”

  I speak up before she leaves. “Why don’t you stay for a sandwich?” I say.

  She looks up for the first time and she has the most gorgeous green eyes. Her hair is tucked into her beanie but a little piece fell out when she looked up, it’s blonde.

  “Thank you sir, but I’m going to go before it gets too cold out,” she says.


  “Huh?” she replies, biting her fingernails.

  “No sir business, my name’s Tank.” I go around introducing everyone.

  “Uhh, it’s nice to meet you all and thanks for the invite to eat but I need to go.”

  “Alright darlin’. Why don’t you take one for the road?” I hold a sandwich out to her.

  She reaches for it but pulls back. “No thank you,” she replies. I guess she’s too good for our food. Fuck that, I’m trying to be nice. She can take her stuck up ass and leave.

  “You have a goodnight then.” I don’t like being rejected. As she walks out, I get up and sit next to Buzz, who is chatting up Liz. I dig into the sandwich, it has crusty French bread, melted mozzarella, pesto and I think grilled chicken. Fuck me, that’s good.

  “God, damn woman. This is the best fucking sandwich I’ve had.”

  Liz giggles. “Thanks Tank. I’m trying out a new bread recipe, you guys are my guinea pigs.”

  As I chow down, I can’t help but think of Sky and where she came from. She looked scared when I introduced her to the guys. Maybe she doesn’t like bikers.

  Chapter 2


  Man, I should’ve taken the sandwich the beautiful giant offered, my stomach has been growling for two days. It’s been three days since I’ve eaten something other than my fingernails. The reason I didn’t take the sandwich is complicated. I didn’t know when I was helping Liz that I was walking into Corrupted Saints territory. I’m terrified of anything motorcycle club related. I wasn’t always afraid. My brother Sam was President of the Death Riders MC, he was killed a year ago by his own club. I never had a body to bury. After his death, I was held prisoner in the MC for months. I was able to escape and have been living on the streets. The night I escaped, I had enough of being passed around like a fuck doll. One night, while I was getting ready to sleep with Hank, their new president, I hacked into a computer they left out. I put out an APB for the club motorcycles. I am thankful for my degrees in computer science and cyber security. The Death Riders never saw it coming, and once the police came with lights and sirens, I used it as my escape. I came to this town, not knowing it was Corrupted Saints territory.

  The night I helped Liz, I was at the hospital because I accidentally cut my foot on broken glass, and it wouldn’t stop bleeding. The hospital turns no one away so I figured I wouldn’t have to show ID and they would help me. Thankfully, I got help with no questions asked. My stomach is growling, dammit, I’m starving.

  I usually go to the Sweetie Pies bakery because she throws out a lot of her old stock. Her shop is only two blocks from where I sleep. My foot is hurting but I have no choice but to walk, I’m hungry. I wish I had my car or bike. I learned to ride because my brother never wanted me riding bitch for a biker.

  Finally, after ten minutes, I reach the bakery; I look around to make sure no one is near the trash. I open the lid and find scones. I grab a handful and put some in my backpack.

  I’m walking to the front of the building with all my scones when I see the beautiful giant from the hospital walking towards me. He stops in front of me and says, “What ya got their darlin?”

  I freeze. Did he see me looking through the trash? Is he going to say something to Liz? I drop everything in my arms and take off running.

  “Wait!” I hear him running after me, yelling at me to stop.

  I round a corner. My foot feels warm and wet, I think I ripped my stitches. I’m hunched over breathing when I hear the tank of a man nearing.

  “Why did you run?” I see Tank. I’m about to start running again when he reaches me and puts a hand on my shoulder. I immediately flinch away.

  “Don’t touch me!” I yell.

  He puts his hands up in surrender. “Look, I just wanted to know if you were okay, you took off like a bat out of hell and you’re dripping blood. Look.” He points to the ground.

  I look down and realize that the hole in my shoe is seeping blood. “I am fine, you can leave me alone. I won’t take any more baked goods.” I just want him to leave me alone.

sp; “What do you mean you won’t take anymore? Did you steal from Liz?”

  “What, no, I didn’t steal. Please leave me alone. I didn’t do anything.” I say.

  “Fine. You’re being an uptight bitch. I’m just trying to help you.”

  I’m hurt by his words but say nothing. It’s better he thinks I’m a bitch and he leaves me alone. I don’t want him to help me and then expect something in return. That’s usually how MC’s work. I’ve given everything, including my virginity, unwillingly to an MC.

  He stares at me for a few moments. Eventually, he turns and walks away. I let out a huge breath of air. If I wasn’t so damaged I would have swooned over a man as beautiful as him but my life has ruined me for men. I snap out of my thoughts, I don’t have time for men. I look down at my foot, I need to find a way to seal up my shoe and stop the bleeding. I limp off to a park bench and remove my shoe to see the damage.

  Chapter 3


  Why would she run and drop all her food? I need to ask Liz about all those scones. I make my way back to Liz’s shop. The Pres’ wife, Char is pregnant and always has these bear claw things at the clubhouse. I’ve become addicted. I hear the door ring above me as I walk in. I immediately see Liz behind the counter. “Hey Tank, what brings you in?” Liz says.

  “Hey Liz, I came for cupcakes, bear claws and coffee. We’ve been at the hospital waiting for Winger to wake up.” We’ve also been guarding him.

  “Oh, have the doctors said anything about his progress?”

  “They said his body shut down to heal, he should wake up soon.”

  I see her moving about getting the food. I look in her bakery display to look for the scones I saw Sky with and see none.

  “Hey, do you have any scones? I saw someone outside with a scone. They dropped a bunch.”

  “Uh, no. I threw out all my scones just a few minutes before you walked in. They got stale, so I tossed them to make space for fresh ones.”

  “That’s weird, they said they got the scones here. Are you sure?” She looks confused.

  “Yes Tank. I can show you the trash with all the scones if you don’t believe me.” She leads me to the back of her store and lifts the lid of the trash can. “See the scones and old baked stuff, I just tossed them.” She closes the lid.

  “Liz, your trash is being raided.”

  “Really, who would do that? I mean I guess if you’re homeless, you gotta eat right. Eww look, it looks like someone was bleeding.” She points to the ground near the trash.

  She turns and goes back inside. I take a step closer and see a footprint just like the one that Sky was leaving. “Liz, I think Sky’s homeless. I caught her eating the scones you have in the trash and she’s bleeding from her foot.”

  “What? No, how can that be, she doesn’t look homeless.”

  “Well, do you know where she lives?” I ask.

  “No, I only just met her that day at the hospital. I thought maybe she worked there.”

  “I found her outside eating scones. Once she saw me, she took off running. She left a trail of blood just like the one by the trash.”

  “I can’t believe she’s homeless. I wonder if she’s in trouble. She doesn’t look like the typical homeless person, you know.”

  “No, she doesn’t. I think something happened to her. I touched her shoulder and she flinched and yelled.”

  “Well, you are a stranger.” A customer walks in. “Tank, I’m sorry I have to get back to work. I really hope that she isn’t homeless, but if she is I would gladly give her food so she doesn’t have to eat from the trash.” She goes to attend to her customer.

  “I’ll catch you later, Liz. Thanks for the goods and coffee.” I walk to my cage. I call my truck a cage because it isn’t open to the air like my baby, my bike.

  I head back to the hospital, my mind torn between Winger’s recovery and Sky’s predicament.

  Chapter 4


  I’m standing in the alley in front of Liz’s bakery, and I can see Tank leaving in his truck. I still can’t believe he ran after me, he made me rip open the stitches on my foot. Ugh! To make matters worse, there’s a red ring around the cut and it’s hot. I can’t help but think that beautiful men are always causing me problems.

  I don’t know why he ran after me, but I hope he leaves me alone. He is part of an MC, one at war with the Death Riders. I don’t know what Liz is doing with them; she seems like a nice lady, not the type to hang around an MC. I don’t think she is a club whore, maybe she’s an old lady? I saw how that one guy was looking at her; I think his name was Buzz. She wasn’t wearing a cut, and I didn’t see an ownership tat on her either. My brothers club would either brand their old ladies with a tattoo or a property leather cut.

  Either way, I need to stay away from all of them, motorcycle clubs have ruined my life and took my brother’s life away from me.

  I am brought out my thoughts but a cold breeze. I think it is going to be a cold night and I need to find a place to stay. I walk towards an abandoned building next to the bakery. No one knows it is abandoned, I have stayed in there before. I can pick the lock and luckily there’s no alarm. I lock the doors behind me and block the windows. There’s an old couch in here and I sleep on it, it beats a park bench. I feel safe mostly but I never let my guard down.

  I sit on the couch and take off my shoe to let my foot breathe. I lay back on the couch and can’t help but think what I’m going to do with my life. I can’t keep living like this. Not knowing when I’m going to get my next meal and living on the streets, is hard. It is better than being controlled and used as a sex toy but it is not a life I want. I can’t help but think of the months I spent as a prisoner and sex slave for the Death Riders. I can feel the edges of the tattoo on my back burning just thinking about it. As soon as my brother was killed, they branded me with the Death Riders MC emblem. I fought them tooth and nail but they drugged me; I don’t know what else they did to me but I woke up the next morning with cuts in my vagina and I couldn’t pee for weeks. I was also covered in semen. They believed I was their property and had to pay for my brother’s mistakes. They didn’t like how my brother was trying to clean up the club. I never understood why they had to continue taking it out on me when they took his life. Their new President Hank is a vile, nasty man who takes what he wants without asking. He took my virginity by force and then threw me to the rest of the club to be used and abused whenever they wanted. At least being in a city where another MC is in charge keeps me hidden in plain sight, I just need to make sure the Corrupted Saints never find out where I come from or see my tattoo.

  I’m able to finally drift off to sleep for what feels like a few hours. I awaken covered in sweat and try to pull my coat on tighter. My foot feels like it’s on fire and is constantly throbbing. I’m afraid to look. I manage to get up, limping. I search the abandoned office building for something I can take. I think I saw a cabinet by the bathroom. I make it to a bathroom, the moonlight and the lights from the street are illuminating the room. I find some Motrin and take a few pills. I hope it helps the fever I’m sure I have. I hobble over back to the couch and prop my foot up. It is no use trying to look at my foot, it’s not light enough to see anything. I touch it and it feels swollen and hot; I don’t feel anything wet so it mustn’t be bleeding. I lay back down and fall asleep.

  A few hours later…

  I wake up sweating and shivering freakishly. I think my fever spiked and my leg is hurting now. I think my foot is majorly infected and spreading. The hospital is only a few blocks away and even though I don’t want to brave the cold; I need to get help.

  I gather all my things and try to bundle myself up as best I can. I walk out the door, making sure no one is around and head towards the hospital. I take what feels like forever to walk a few blocks, limping. My leg is in so much pain and I’m so cold. I feel so weak. I only have a few more steps until I get to the hospital doors. I can feel the heat from inside. I notice the doctor who helped me before is in the ER speaking to a patient. She was nice; I think her name was Dr. Charlie.

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