Luna Touched: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Brides of the Aashi Book 1), page 1

Luna Touched
Brides of the Aashi Book One
Belle Harper
1. Luna
2. Axoh
3. Luna
4. Vallyn
5. Luna
6. Vallyn
7. Luna
8. Axoh
9. Luna
10. Zigur
11. Luna
12. Vallyn
13. Luna
14. Axoh
15. Luna
16. Zigur
17. Daku
18. Luna
19. Vallyn
20. Luna
21. Axoh
22. Luna
23. Zigur
24. Luna
25. Daku
26. Luna
27. Vallyn
28. Luna
29. Axoh
30. Luna
31. Luna
Other Books by Belle Harper 
Belle’s Books
About the Author
Edited by Refined Voice Editing
Cover design by Amy Queau at QDesign
Copyright 2021© Belle Harper
All Rights reserved.
This book is protected under Copyright Laws. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by Copyright law.
This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this story are either products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events, business establishments, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Created with Vellum
My name is Luna.
I applied to a job ad that sounded too good to be true.
It was!
I'm being sent to an alien planet to marry an alien guy with four arms.
But now that I'm here, I just found out I'm getting FIVE alien husbands, not one.
This was not what I applied for.
But one of the alien guys broke my translator, and things are about to get messy.
Luna Touched is the first in a series of standalone books. This book is RH why choose. Sexy aliens with four arms and tails... what more could you want?
Chapter One
Are you a female between the ages of 18 and 25?
Are you tired of your nine to five job?
Do you like meeting new people and traveling to new, exciting places?
I’d walked past that flyer posted on the noticeboard at the diner I work at a million times a day. The one that had seemed too good to be true. There was no way I would get that job, so I didn’t bother. Until that one customer grabbed my ass one too many times and pushed me to apply.
Now, here I was, a little over two months later, on a spaceship about to land on another world.
I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for that handsy jackass. Well, that wasn’t totally the truth. They had run background checks on everyone who applied. Made sure we didn’t have family still alive, were single, and in good health. So, basically, no one to notice or care if we went missing.
When they made us sign the NDA and told us aliens were real, half of the applicants dropped out.
They explained we would be living on an alien planet for the rest of our lives. Then we were down to eight.
Then they’d said, “You will be married to one of the Aashi men who live on Aarzyn. Each of you will go live with one of the six different clans. Each clan has over a hundred Aashi members.” That brought us down to five.
I wasn’t sure where the women who refused went. They were ushered out fast, and that made me nervous. So I never said anything. I sat quietly and listened, deciding there was no point in going back to my old job and my old life. Only way forward was taking this trip.
But the government guys running this whole thing said we needed a minimum of six, so they found one more. The one I had become the closest to and made me laugh at every turn. Quinn. She and the others—Elle, Brooklyn, Hadley, and Jessica—had all become close friends too. It was easy when there were only six of us and we were all here for the same thing. We’d all signed on the dotted line, agreeing to marry one of the Aashi men, and in exchange, we’d be taken care of for the rest of our lives.
The M’Mori guys who were transporting us to this alien planet? Well, they got to dig and mine for this special rock, aket. It was used all over space to power spaceships, and the M’Mori had been mining it on Aarzyn for many years. They made a deal with the Aashi to bring them “brides,” and in exchange, they got more land to mine from.
The M’Mori guys would give some of the aket to us—the humans on Earth, not “us” specifically—which we could use to build our own spaceships and protect Earth. So, all in all, the six of us were pretty much saving the world. No one would ever know what we’d done, though. And I had to marry some alien guy to do it.
I’d heard the Aashi people had four arms and two tails, but we hadn’t been able to see any photos of them, as the M’Mori hadn’t gotten any.
I didn’t believe it for a second. They had a spacecraft that traveled at the speed of light, but they had no photos of the aliens they wanted us to marry? And what about the government guys who were going to just hand us over, sight unseen?
That didn’t sit right with me, but I had already signed on, and there was no going back. In one of the initial meetings, Agent Booker mentioned it was a one-way deal while he placed his hand on his holster. I got the hint. I liked to think girls who refused to be part of this were living back in their regular lives, though I knew that was not likely.
All we really knew was that we were compatible with the Aashi in every way. Which was code for “you can have sex and make babies.” But they knew we were compatible with no photos? Again—yeah right.
What we had learned the past two months was that the Aashi people had been slowly dying out due to the lack of females being born. That and they were a matriarchal society, which I thought was really awesome. But yeah, no photos? Were they scary ugly? I didn’t understand the lack of information we had been given. We had no idea what their planet was like or how we were supposed to act. I assumed the M’Mori just wanted their dumb rocks and didn’t care to inform us of much else. And our government guys didn’t care as long as they got their hands on their aket.
“I’m so nervous I think I’m gonna pee myself.” I turned to see Quinn, who had the biggest grin on her face. She always said anything and everything that flitted across her mind. She started to bounce around on her tiptoes, and I laughed. Then she laughed, and that set us both off in a round of giggles. Her hair was free and wild, the dark chocolate ringlets falling all over her face. She looked like a model. The one thing we had in common that the other girls didn’t was our hair was curlier than a poodle. Except Quinn seemed to have no problems taming her hair. Mine, on the other hand… yep, wild birds could nest in it every morning.
“Quinn. Go to the restroom, quickly. I want to get off this thing and away from the M’Mori,” Jessica growled, rolling her eyes at us. Her blonde hair was tied back into a tight bun, which perfectly matched her personality—she was pretty serious about everything, and the strands pulling at her scalp probably accounted for her moodiness much of the time.
We all wore the same uniform to meet the Aashi, consisting of pants and a long-sleeved top. It was tight, which I didn’t really like, but they told us to take it with us once we landed, that we might need it. But we also got to take some of our own clothes… which was something, at least.
“What did you do that has you wanting off so bad?” Hadley teased, but Jessica didn’t even crack a smile. I’d told her there was no way she should fall for the M’Mori solider that worked in our area of the spaceship, especially when she’d have to leave and marry a different alien. She’d signed the same contract we all did. But she didn’t listen, and I had a feeling things had gone further than flirting. I was pretty sure he would be in trouble if the M’Mori guys in charge found out.
So none of us said anything to each other about it, in case we were overheard. They probably didn’t expect one of us to fall for a M’Mori. And K’Tem was the nicest guy. I would never want to do anything that could hurt him. Even if he was stupid to chase after stuck-up Jessica.
The M’Mori were nice. Well, most were. Not the big higher-up ones. And if I was being honest, they were all kind of hot… once you got past the iridescent scales that covered most parts of their bodies and the no hair thing. And let’s not forget the flat nose and sharp teeth, which reminded me of a piranha. Then yeah, they were hot.
“All right, ladies, we are landing three days early. But Captain said the Aashi are gathered in the Goddess Arena, waiting for us to land. Let’s get these translators going. Everyone hold out your wrist and we will start them up,” Agent Chadwick said. He pulled out what looked like a watch and strapped it to my right wrist. It had a solar panel on the front, and the only indication that it was working was a small green light on the side.
“Does it tell us when it needs to be charged?” I aske
This was really happening. I was never going home again. Not that I had much of a home—working as a waitress and living in a small run-down apartment was not exactly my dream, but it had still been my life. And today I was meeting my future husband for the first time, and he just happened to be an alien. That I knew nothing about.
“Yes. When the light turns orange, please charge. Once it’s red, it will not work. So do please check it daily. These will translate what the Aashi say to you and what you say to them. But that is all. Once you are on Aarzyn, you are on your own. We won’t be back. Please remember that you are doing this for your country, for your world.” The other three human agents turned the rest of the translators on and gave us our backpacks.
That was it. One bag with all my belongings from the last twenty-three years. A bit sad and pathetic, really, but that was all we were allowed.
I didn’t have much, anyway. Not even a photo. I grew up in the system and moved around so much, I was never really able to make any friends. Even as an adult, moving was so natural that I only lasted a few months in a job or state before moving on.
I think that’s why I was okay when they told us about the whole “marrying an alien” thing. I’d never had the luxury of being able to run scared when life threw something new at me. Yeah, I was scared, but I was ready for something—I needed something—more. And it couldn’t get any “more” than this.
I quickly looked through my pack. I had two pairs of sweatpants, three pairs of shorts, three T-shirts, and a hoodie. Plus enough underwear and socks for a week. I wasn’t too sure on temperature, and I tended to get cold even in the warmest of weather. I also had a pair of flip-flops. I wasn’t too sure about bathing, and from what they told us, the Aashi lived a more basic, simple life. They didn’t have any technology, and they lived in the forest in huts.
At least they lived on the ground. I’d been worried when I’d heard the rumors of them having two tails, thinking they’d live in the trees like Earth’s monkeys. And I wasn’t a fan of heights.
An announcement told us to get ready for landing. My body tingled and my stomach fluttered. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster even though the spaceship was completely still as it landed.
“It’s okay, we got this, ladies. We are going to meet our future husbands in about ten minutes. This is it! I hope mine is good looking.” Quinn was enthusiastic as she winked at me. I just nodded and swallowed the huge lump in my throat.
The ship landed, and the announcement went off that they were ready for us to disembark onto this new planet. I felt like I wasn’t in my own body. Like I was a spectator as I followed the agents and women down the corridor toward the door.
The first thing I felt was the heat. Was it the spaceship? We had been flying for almost two months, so it was bound to get hot. But as I stepped out onto the ramp, I realized it was warm here—like tropical, humid warm. The uniform they gave us was already uncomfortable. I placed my hand over my eyes to shield them from the bright light. This was already better than the shiny silver walls of the spaceship. When I was used to the light, I glanced up and saw the bright light was from the suns.
Two freaking suns.
Holy crap! They were smaller than our sun, but the heat, I could tell, was from there being two.
I took a deep breath and shook my hands out, the sun felt great on my skin. It smelled so amazing out here, like cinnamon and pine. But that was where the similarities ended. The trees were not green. They were different shades of purple with white mixed in. I had never seen anything so beautiful. The grass—or what I assumed was grass—was violet, as if you were walking on a carpet of flowers. From the gasps I heard, the other women were saw what I did. It was spectacular. Beautiful.
“Is that them?” Hadley whispered as she slightly raised her hand, pointing over to the edge of the open grassland where it met the forest. We watched in silence as figures crossed the land, heading toward us. They moved in groups, which must be the different clans. Even from this far away, I could notice one major difference from humans… their skin.
They were purple! Their skin was gorgeous, ranging from lavender to amethyst to a deeper eggplant color. The taller ones seemed to be much darker than the smaller ones. Maybe they got darker with age? Either way, all of their skin was on display, as they only wore a small strip of fabric to cover their… junk.
Their long hair, which some wore down and others wore in braids, was just a shade darker than their skin tone, and as they moved closer, I got a better sense of just how huge they were—like NBA-basketball-player tall. Their bodies looked almost human… except for the two extra arms. And the tails.
I almost stumbled when I saw those tails moving behind them in a hypnotic dance. Their tails were long and covered in a fine fur like a monkey’s, but they swayed like a cat’s. And they each had two… that wasn’t just a rumor.
When the first group reached the spaceship, the smaller one at the back smiled at me, and my heart fluttered. He was the lightest shade of purple, and he had a face like a human. I was so worried they would look more like the M’Mori. Not that they weren’t attractive in their own way. That smile, though… his lips were purple, but that didn’t stop me from blushing. His eyes were slightly larger than a human’s, the pupils large and dark as he watched me. And they all seemed to have no facial hair, or body hair, for that matter. But man, those bodies. No fat whatsoever. All lean, strong muscle. Fuck, they were hot… and purple.
One of the M’Mori leaders walked down to greet the Aashi as they all came toward us, and Agent Chadwick told us to follow behind. I liked him more than Agent Booker.
“This is it, girls. I hope to see you again soon. Make sure we visit each other often,” Elle said before she gave a small smile and turned to the crowd of purple alien guys.
Chapter Two
Why were the M’Mori here so early? As representatives from the other five clans started to walk toward the spacecraft, ready to claim their mates, I hid back in the shadow of the trees, close to our clan’s hut.
“What do we do?” I asked Vallyn, my closest friend and clan brother. Our Chosen hadn’t arrived yet because the M’Mori weren’t supposed to be here for three more days. They had stayed back to prepare for her arrival.
“We cannot stand back here and allow our clan’s female to stand with no Chosen. We must step forward as Chosen males of the Zaali Clan to claim our female.”
I turned to where Vallyn was standing, surprised that he spoke like this. He stood taller, but that would not help. He was not, and never would be, a Chosen male—at least not in this lifetime when so few females had been born. He was a warrior, my protector when I left our clan, but he was not large enough to be considered as a mate and be Chosen. Nor was I.
I was a takxe, a born healer, the smallest of my litter mates. Every litter had one takxe, born to heal and raise new young. But never to mate—we spent our lives without that privilege.
Instead, I would serve as the female’s personal takxe.
“You cannot fool the other clans that you are her Chosen, Vallyn. We must explain to the M’Mori.”
The females, from what I could see, looked much different than our Aashi kind. They had a different color skin than ours, many shades scattered among the six females. Their hair was amazing colors… I couldn’t even describe what I was seeing. One looked like that of the pixxe fruit yet had strange spirals all over.