Tank, page 1
part #2 of Reckoning MC Seer Series

Reckoning MC Seer Book 2
By BE Kelly
Tank (Reckoning MC Seer Book 2)
Copyright © 2020 by BE Kelly.
Cover design: Lee Ching with Under Cover Designs
Editor: Tracey Nyland
Imprint: Independently published
First Print Edition: February 2020
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.
Table of Contents
Three Months Earlier
Tank Harrison knew he was being an asshole, banging on Beth’s sister’s door at midnight like a fucking lunatic, but he had to know that she was alright. Reaper called to tell him that Beth had been taken by his business partner, Anthony Sr., and he was worried that Lyra and her daughter, Delilah were next on the list. Reaper’s partner had heard about Beth’s special abilities as a seer, and whoever the mole was in his club was going to pay for betraying them. This news left no doubt in his mind that they had a spy in his Reckoning MC club. As president of the club, he had no choice but to find whoever it was that squealed to Reaper’s partner and make them regret they were ever born. He had been looking for an excuse to pound the shit out of someone and now he had it. Tank just hated that it might be someone he considered a friend—that part was going to suck.
He raised his hand to pound on the door again just as it swung open to reveal one very pissed off woman. “What,” she barked. Tank wanted to laugh at her tone but he was beginning to know better than to mess with Beth’s little sister. Lyra Sibyl wasn’t a fan of his and that was just fine by him. It was easier to keep his hands off the sexy, curvy blonde from a distance.
“Something’s happened and I wanted to let you know that I have to head back into the bar,” Tank said. He didn’t want to be the one to deliver the news that her sister had been taken, but judging by the way Lyra looked him over, she wasn’t going to let him just walk away and not ask questions.
“What happened?” she asked, as if on cue.
Tank sighed, “As a seer, aren’t you already in the know?” He knew he was being an ass and God, he was beginning to like being able to push the woman’s buttons. Watching her get all flustered and even pissed off made him hot.
“You know good and well that my powers don’t work like that, Tank,” Lyra accused. He did too. From the few short days they had been thrown together, he had come to know her pretty well. Things seemed to be going great between the two of them until he crossed the line and kissed her. That was when she put her cute, toe-polished foot down and told him to get the fuck out of her house and her life. The problem was, he couldn’t just up and leave her. Delilah had been at her dad’s house, and he couldn’t help himself. He went from being Lyra’s protector and even her friend to someone she couldn’t stand to look in the eyes anymore and that just about gutted him.
“I think you should let Reaper call and tell you what’s going on, Lyra,” Tank all but whispered. Lyra stepped from her house and stood toe-to-toe with him on her front porch and all he wanted to do was haul her against his body and kiss her again, but the memory of just how badly that ended the first time stopped him dead in his tracks. He had misread the situation and that wouldn’t happen again.
Lyra leaned into his big body and stared him down. “How about you tell me what’s going on here, Tank,” she ordered. Her small frame was dwarfed by his own and hearing her bark out orders was almost comical.
Tank cleared his throat, “They took Beth,” he said. “I’m so sorry, Honey.”
“What?” Lyra asked. “Who took my sister?”
“Reaper’s boss, Anthony Sr.,” Tank said.
“The one I’ve been seeing with Sophie?” Tank had listened to Lyra talk about how she was dreaming about Reaper’s younger sister and some older man who wanted to hurt her. He hated the way her voice cracked when she got to the point in the story where he held a gun to Sophie’s head. He could almost see the scene and that was crazy because as far as any of them knew, Sophie was alive and well with Ringer, hiding out from Reaper’s business partner. Still, he didn’t envy Lyra’s gift, if that was what he’d call it. Being able to see something that might happen to someone or something horrible that had already occurred, seemed more like a fucking curse to him.
“Yes,” he confirmed. “The same guy you’ve been seeing in your dreams hurting Sophie.”
“Oh God,” Lyra sobbed. Tank didn’t stop himself this time. He pulled her into his arms and wrapped his big body around hers.
“It’s going to be alright, Honey,” he promised, even though he had no way of knowing if that was true or not. “I need to get back to help Reaper come up with a plan to find Beth. I’m leaving you in good hands though.” The thought of anyone else watching Lyra made him want to rethink his whole plan to leave and go back to Reckoning. He hated leaving her but Tank had no other choice. Reaper needed him and that was enough for him.
“Please, don’t leave me,” Lyra begged.
“I’ll be back as soon as possible, Honey,” he promised. “But I have to do this. Reaper is like a brother to me and he’s going out of his mind worrying about Beth. I can’t just leave him—not now.” Lyra pulled her arms from around him and took a step back. Watching her withdraw again reminded him of the night that they shared their scorching kiss. The same night she kicked him out and told him to leave her the fuck alone. Tank worried that he was misreading Lyra again but damnit, the woman was sending him a jumbled mess of signals.
“Help me out here, Honey,” he said. “I’m not sure what you want from me. One minute you’re letting me touch you and even give you comfort and the next you act as if you hate me. Which is it?”
Lyra looked Tank up and down and shook her head. “I don’t hate you, Tank,” she admitted. “I’m sorry,” she said. “Everything is just so jumbled up—I can’t think straight. Go and help find my sister. I’ll be fine.”
He watched as Lyra turned and walked back into her house and shut the door behind her. Tank stood there, listening for Lyra to turn the dead bolt, not willing to take any chances with her. As soon as she did, he let himself breathe, not realizing he was holding his breath at all. That’s the way he felt around Lyra—like he was holding his damn breath, waiting for her to give him a chance or kick him to the curb. Tank just wasn’t sure which one he was hoping would happen because the last thing he needed was to get tangled up with the sexy blonde who was turning his world upside down.
Tank was woken up by the banging on the bar’s front door and the dream he was having about sexy, little Lyra Sibyl all but disappeared from his head. He stumbled around his dark room and found his jeans, pulling them up over his erection, carefully zipping them up and tugged on a t-shirt.
“This better be fucking good,” he grumbled, finding his way down the stairs to the front entrance of his bar. “Like someone’s dead or dying good,” he added. Tank unlocked the dead bolt and threw the door open to find the woman he had just been dreaming about, shaking from what he assumed to be the cold blustery wind that whipped its way into the bar.
“Fuck, Lyra,” he growled and pulled her into his body. “You have to be freezing out there. What the hell are you doing out in this storm anyway?” Tank knew that most of the roads in town had to be closed and the national weather service was calling this storm the worst one of the century. Honestly, he didn’t see what all the fuss was about, but this was New Orleans and even the few inches that were expected was enough to cripple the city. Growing up in Michigan, Tank knew firsthand what a real snowstorm looked like and he had to admit, he missed the snow up there. But, down here, in NOLA, he had his MC family and they were enough to keep him grounded to the area—well, his club and his bar.
“I—I think I need help,” she stuttered. Tank tightened his arms around her waist, sharing his body heat with her. She was wearing a thin sweater and jeans and he knew she had to be cold to the bone.
“Tell me what’s going on, Honey,” he said. Tank knew he had no right to call her that or any other terms of affection. He saw the damn hope in her eyes after he kissed her a month ago. He was supposed to be keeping her safe; watching over her and her daughter, Delilah, but instead he had pushed her down onto her sofa and devoured her mouth like a starving man. When it came to Lyra, he found that he had no control and nothing standing in his way but himself. He could tell she wanted him just from the way she responded to that scorching kiss, but he wasn’t good for her. Hell, he wasn’t good for any woman and he needed to remember that. When he tried to explain that he’d made a mistake in kissing her, she got pissed off and told
“I dropped Lil off at her dad’s house for the week and when I got home, the front door was wide open and it looked like someone had kicked it in. I peeked into my house and everything was in a shambles, so I got back in my car and came here. I didn’t know who else to turn to. Elizabeth and Reaper are finally taking their honeymoon and I couldn’t call them. My sister deserves some happiness after all the shit she’s been through,” Lyra sobbed and God, it tore him apart to hear her so upset. He knew they still had a mole in the club and he worried that not rooting him out when the trouble started with Reaper was a mistake. He hated that leaving that trouble unchecked might add up to Lyra or Lil being hurt.
“Baby,” he soothed, stroking his big hand up and down her back. She was so tiny compared to him but then again, most everyone was. He knew that people liked to compare him to a hulk; it’s even how he got his nickname—Tank. Well, his size and his time in the Army driving tanks. At six-seven, he was usually the biggest guy in the room. He stroked his hand down her long hair. Lyra had it pulled up in a sleek ponytail, but a few strands had escaped and he gently pushed them back from her beautiful face. She looked up at him and damn it if he didn’t see that same fucking hope again, shining back at him in her soulful hazel eyes. He knew he was playing with fire, but he just didn’t give a fuck anymore.
Tank had spent the last few months dreaming of Lyra and night after night, he’d wake up hard as a rock with no way to ease his suffering. Sure, he could pick up one of the biker chicks that hung out at his bar, hoping to find a biker of their own. But, that would mean having to settle for a woman who wasn’t Lyra and he didn’t like trolling for second best. He wanted her and from the way she was leaning into his big body, watching him, she wanted him too.
He leaned down, towering over her and he could hear her breath hitch. Lyra’s heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest and he had his green light. Tank just needed to stop being a fucking coward and step on the gas.
“Lyra,” he said, more as a plea than warning. “I’m going to kiss you.” She nodded and closed her eyes and that was about all Tank could handle. His self-imposed restraints were off and he was going to taste her again.
At first, he was unsure of himself and that was so unlike him. He gently brushed his lips over hers and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He knew that holding back with Lyra wouldn’t work. She would demand everything from him—he learned that about her from their time together a few months back. He was going to give her what she wanted this time though and to hell with the consequences. He was finally going to have what he wanted and Tank wanted Lyra Sibyl.
Lyra wasn’t sure why she had driven all the way to Tank’s bar, Reckoning, but she had. There was no turning back either since she had barely made it in one piece to his place. Due to the slick road conditions, she had ended up in a ditch twice, but she wouldn’t tell Tank that. He was so protective of her and the last thing she wanted from him tonight was a fight. In fact, she wanted the exact opposite from the sexy, tattooed, giant and from the way he was kissing her, he was completely on board with her plans for the evening.
When she got back to her house, after dropping Lil off at Zane’s house, she knew something was up before she even got to her front door. Her whole body tingled as if in warning and she knew that leaving was her best bet at staying safe. Dealing with unsafe driving conditions was better than facing what possibly still waited for her in her home. She was just thankful she didn’t have Lil with her because she wouldn’t want her daughter to be afraid in her own house.
Turning to Tank for help felt natural after the few weeks they had spent together, when he was tasked with keeping her and Lil safe during the scare with her sister’s abduction. God, that was such an awful time, but she had Tank by her side and knew that he would never let anyone touch her or Delilah. When it was over and Beth came home safely, Tank took off and she didn’t see him for months. He left her with the memory of that fiery kiss they shared and that was it—no calls or texts, nothing. She’d ask Beth and Reaper about how Tank was doing, but they never gave her a straight answer and she was beginning to wonder if she had made the whole kiss up in her overly active imagination. Hell, maybe she had made Tank up because the only place she saw him was in her dreams. Night after night, he appeared and was so gentle and loving that every morning she woke up feeling completely broken- hearted that it was all just a dream. But she at least had her dreams of Tank and for a while, she thought that was enough for her. Lil kept her busy and she had her work at the doctor’s office as a medical technician. She had a good life and really couldn’t complain, except for the fact that it was completely boring.
Tank broke their kiss, leaving her panting and needy and he smiled down at her. Lyra worried that he was going to push her away again, but he didn’t instead he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his big body. Lyra felt safe and content for the first time in months. Being held by Tank felt like coming home and she wasn’t sure she’d ever survive him pushing her out of his life again.
“Tank—I,” she started. He covered her mouth with his big hand, effectively stopping her next words.
“No, Lyra. No promises or excuses this time. First, I’m going to call some of my brothers and have them check out your place. They’ll find out what happened and who ransacked your house. Then, I’m going to have someone watch Lil. I know she’s with Zane but I want to make sure she’s safe. Your ex will never know that my guy is watching them.” She nodded her agreement, his hand still covering her mouth. Lyra took his hand into hers and gently kissed his palm. He stilled, watching her and she wondered if he was finished talking.
“Thank you, Tank,” she whispered.
“Don’t thank me yet, Little One,” he stuttered. She liked how in control Tank always seemed to be. He was so confident and capable—probably why he was the president of his MC. But, Lyra also liked the fact that she had the power to bring the big guy to stutter. He made her feel that way—powerful.
“As soon as I call in favors to get everyone to help, I’m going to take you up to my room and spend the rest of the night doing exactly what I’ve been dreaming of doing to you, Lyra,” he said.
“What have you been dreaming of doing to me, Tank?” Lyra whispered. She thought back to her last dream about him; the way he took her body and commanded her every need to meet his own. She was completely his and Lyra wondered if it would be the same way between the two of them in real life.
“Everything,” he growled, causing her to shiver. Tank mistook her shaking for her being cold but the temperature had nothing to do with it. She was already a quivering mess of need from being denied what she wanted. But now, Tank was there—standing right in front of her and if Lyra had her way this time she wouldn’t let him get away. This time, she’d stand up and demand he let her in because she was done with hiding like a scared little girl from him and everything else she so desperately wanted in life.
Lyra sat in Tank’s apartment just above the bar and wondered if she was making a big mistake by running to him. Sure, he seemed like he cared and when he was protecting her and Lil during the scare with her sister, she felt as if he really wanted to keep them safe. When he pushed her down onto her sofa and kissed her like he was a starving man and she was his last meal, she allowed herself to hope they could be more. But, the fairy tale life that her sister had found wasn’t going to happen for her. Lyra wasn’t going to find a sexy biker and literally ride off into the sunset with him.
Tank had made that very clear to her when he ended their first kiss. The regret she saw in his blue eyes was nearly her undoing. She was a fool to believe he would want more with someone like her. Tank Harrison wasn’t the type of man who would fall for a frumpy, single mother—not when he had biker groupies throwing themselves at him every night. Beth had told her what the club was like and the way the girls flocked there just to try to get up close and personal with a biker. Given that Tank was the president of his club, women did just about anything they could think of to get him to take notice of them. Tank could have his pick of just about any woman in town—why would he waste his time on her?