His Prize: Dark Hearts Mafia, page 1

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1. Julian
2. Millie
3. Julian
4. Millie
5. Julian
6. Millie
7. Julian
8. Millie
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Copyright © 2023 by B. L. Brooks.
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Millie is the center of my world.
She just doesn’t know it yet...
The new girl in town has a hold on me. Her crystal blue eyes sparkle with such life and hope, an energy I haven’t felt in over a decade. Hell, even a lifetime.
But it kills me to know she works for a couple of men who haven’t paid their dues to my crew.
And everyone pays up—one way or another.
I’m in over my head with a girl this innocent around. She looks to be fresh out of her teens and I’m nearing my forties.
But I can’t just walk away.
I’m not going anywhere.
Not until I claim my prize…
Stepping inside The Spicy Meatball is like coming home. Unlike most Italian grandmothers, my nonna’s specialty isn’t heaping bowls of pasta and sauce. Oh no, as Nonna specializes in meatball subs and homemade sausage sandwiches. The scent of peppers, onions and tomatoes wafts on the breeze as me and the boys grab a table in the back of the diner. “This place is looking good,” I say to no one in particular.
“Yeah,” Joey, my right hand man agrees. “The décor and everything is like old school Italy but, you know, hip and shit.”
I smirk. “Exactly.” The restaurant is only a year old and it’s sure as hell been a good investment for business. “Where’s Danny?”
Joey glares around the dining room and squints. “I’ll go get him. No one keeps Julian Rossi waiting.” He pushes his rugged frame out of the chair and makes his way towards the kitchen.
“Welcome,” an angelic voice sounds, causing my heart to take notice. “My name is Millie and I’ll be your server today. What can I get for you?” I look up to find bright green eyes on me, slightly nervous. Must be her first day jitters. I’ve never seen her before.
“How about we start with something to drink?” I ask.
Her shoulders ease back and a dazzling smile lights up her face. Even under the ill-fitting uniform, she’s stunning with striking curves. Her full, pink lips draw me in. Shit. “Our strawberry lemonade is fresh today. And delicious. Care to give it a try?”
“That’ll work, thanks. And grab a cola for my friend, would you?”
She taps her pen on the red leather notepad. “Coming right up, sir. I’ll give you a few minutes on the food.” For how warm her smile is, for how bright it is, you wouldn’t think someone so pure would be caught around here.
“You’re new,” I say to her as a fact rather than a question.
“I am. Are you a regular?” She tilts her head. “I’ve been here about a month and haven’t seen you before.”
“Let’s just say I’m a semi-regular.” But considering this little new waitress is around, I may just have to step my game up. “I’m Julian.”
“Nice to meet you, Julian. I’ll be right back with your strawberry lemonade.”
“Oh, and add on a meatball sub with extra sauce.”
“You got it,” she answers with a grin before sauntering off, her ample hips swinging left to right as she stops to check on a few tables, completely oblivious to the men’s gazes that settle on her face, hips, and ass.
“He’s coming out now,” Joey says and drops down in the chair across from me. “He’s bein’ real cagey, Boss.”
I’m about to ask what he means when Danny appears, his thick brown hair purposely messy to go with the trendy, hipster vibe of the diner. “Julian, my man. How’s it going?”
Joey is right, he’s being cagey. “It would be better if I didn’t have to come down here to collect.”
His head dips low, a slick grin on his face like I’m one of his conquests. “I’m a…little late.”
“A week isn’t a little late, Danny. Not when it comes to money.”
His palms slide down his face as he sighs. “Alright look, one of our cook’s did a TikTok video and now the vegans are protesting so things have been…a little slow.” I can handle a wave in business but the shrug he gives, like not paying me my money is no big deal, pisses me off.
I lean in closely, giving the bastard a glimpse of the monster I keep on a tight leash. “I don’t care about your excuses, Danny. I care about the money.”
“You’ll get it. I promise I’m good for it.”
“I know,” I tell him and lean back, my voice cold and even. “Because you won’t like what happens if I’m left empty handed next time.”
The asshole opens his mouth to offer up another false promise but the arrival of Millie stops him.
“Here’s your cola, sir.” Millie sets the tall glass down with a smile and offers a slightly bigger one for me. “And your strawberry lemonade.” She then turns to Joey and asks for his order.
“Sausage peppers with cheese, but with brown rice instead of roll.” He grins at me and pats his flat belly. “Tricia likes my new physique since cutting down on carbs.”
Millie smiles and shakes her head. “Tricia is a lucky woman. I’ll be back with your orders, guys. Oh um, did you want anything, Dan?”
“It’s Danny,” the fucker purrs, flashing a flirty grin in her direction. “And I’m good, thanks.”
Millie’s smile fades and she turns on her heels, walking away with a bit more purpose than last time.
Danny’s gaze settles on her for a little too long.
“You have one week,” I growl, grabbing the fool’s attention. “One week to get my money or Joey here will be using his new physique to ensure you recall that repayment isn’t an option.”
Joey cracks a loose grin. “Ah thanks, Boss.” But just as quickly his look dims, and he turns to Danny with a dark scowl. “And I won’t hesitate to use it to rearrange your pretty boy face. Got me?”
Finally, Danny looks as if he gets how seriously fucked he is. His slick grin slides into a grim expression, fear flashing in his eyes. “Y-Yeah, I got it. No need for violence, guys. I’ve got you.”
“Good. What do you have for me today?” I ask without an ounce of patience.
“Today?” He swallows, glancing around with a squirrely look on his face.
“Yeah, Danny. Today.”
He shrugs and moves his hands nervously. “Maybe a couple grand. I’ll have the rest by the end of the month I swear, Julian.” The smugness is gone, replaced with desperation. “This is just a blip.”
“Let’s damn well hope so. When I helped you open this place up, you promised to be making money—and I quote, hand over fist.” It’s why I chose the restaurant to clean Rossi cash.
“And it’s been just that, man. Well…except for the past two months.”
“Five months,” I correct him. “It’s been five months, Danny. I’m growing impatient.”
Millie arrives with a steaming plate in each hand and an innocent smile on her face as she sets our food down. She quickly then pulls out the grated parmesan and pepper flakes from her apron. “Anything else, fellas?”
“They’re fine, Millie.” Danny’s bark pisses me off and the fading light of the waitress makes me want to pound in his face.
“That’s no way to treat your employees, especially when you so desperately need to make money,” I lecture the fool, giving him a scowl before turning back to Millie with a smile. “That will be all, sweetheart. Thank you.”
She hesitantly nods and scurries off, clearly wary of Danny’s sudden change in mood.
“Waitresses are a dime a dozen,” he scoffs. “If she doesn’t come back tomorrow I’ll have her replaced by lunch.”
His smug attitude is pissing me off. I sigh, leaning in so we’re nearly nose to nose. “You have until the end of the week, Dan. Or else.”
Uncertainty is written all over his face and my gaze skips beyond his shoulder to Millie smiling at a table of old timers who likely stumbled in here by mistake. “Julian,” he begins, but I’m in no mood to listen.
“One week. Not a day more.” Just in case he’s unsure if our conversation is over, I turn my focus to the plate in front of me until he gets the hint and walks the hell away.
“That was rather generous of you, Boss.” Joey is making quick work of his food. He knows I’m never one to offer a grace period…but with Millie in mind, I can’t help but to play nice. For now.
“Let’s just say I have my reasons...”
There he is again. Julian. The gorgeous man with thick black hair
Sure, he’s attractive as a Greek God, handsome as ever if I’m being honest. But he’s way older than me and obviously successful, so I brush aside the thought and head over to his table with a fresh pot of coffee and a smile on my face. “Julian, this is becoming too frequent to keep you at semi-regular status.”
He laughs, the sound deep and rich, wrapping around me like a hug. “You might be right, sweetheart. Yet I seem to find I can’t stay away.” His gaze holds mine for a beat longer than is appropriate, the heat of it sparking a shiver down my spine.
“I can’t blame you,” I tell him with a shaky laugh. Ugh. Something about him screws with my ability to stay unaffected. “Today we have maple and bacon cinnamon rolls. Can I tempt you?”
His brown eyes darken slightly and his lips curl into the barest hint of a grin. “Only every damn day.”
“Oh. Um, well...okay,” I laugh nervously. It’s like I know I should look away but I can’t. How is he so damn attractive? “I’ll go get you one then?”
Julian nods. “I’ll have one now along with a breakfast sandwich, and then one cinnamon roll to go, please.”
“Sounds good.” I head back to the kitchen and put his order in and take a moment for myself to get my pounding heart and racing thoughts under control. Julian isn’t flirting with me, he can’t be. He’s gorgeous and successful, he just has that air about him.
He’s just being kind. That’s what I tell myself because it’s the easiest thing to believe. Guys like that—mature, sexy and wealthy—don’t go for twenty-year-old waitresses who don’t have their shit together.
“Hey Millie,” Dan calls my name, yanking me out of my head.
“H-Hey,” I stumble out. “What’s up?”
His jaw clenches and I stand a little taller knowing he wants something. “Is that Julian over there?”
“It sure is. He’s having breakfast again today.”
Dan’s nostrils flare and his hands bunch into fists. “Okay, thanks.” He says nothing else and thankfully walks away. I don’t know what it is about Julian but his appearance the past few days has put a stop to Dan’s flirting and inappropriate comments. And I’m not complaining.
“Order up, Millie!”
I grab the plates and back out of the swinging kitchen door, surprised to find the diner has filled up in just a few minutes. “Here you are, sir,” I say to Julian and repeat back his order. “Care for anything else?”
“Not yet, but I’ll let you know.” He winks and I can feel the heat of the blush as it rises on my face.
“Enjoy your meal,” I hurry out and pad away, grabbing two pots of coffee and making my rounds throughout the diner. Dan’s bad attitude sent three waitresses running for the hills and so I’m on my own today. My wallet appreciates it but as for my feet…
“Waitress, we’re ready over here!”
“We are too!” a younger girl calls out.
I pause, taking a deep breath and pasting a wide smile on my face. I take orders from three tables at a time, passing the info to the back of the house so the kitchen isn’t slammed all at once.
“All good, Julian?” I ask, checking in before rushing to the back again.
He nods. “Where is your help?”
I sigh. He might just be a customer, but I also sense he’s more than that around here. “Irreconcilable differences with management,” I say as diplomatically as I can. “Need anything else right now?”
“Sparkling water and lemon, when you get a moment. No rush.”
My heart flutters a little at his consideration. Most people bark orders at me like I’m not even human but despite the air of success about him, Julian is always so sweet. “Coming up.” I smile and rush off, bouncing from table to table until all the orders have been placed.
“There’s too much damn food here, Millie. Get moving,” Dan cracks.
“Feel free to help,” I say breezily. “I only have two hands and I’m doing all I can.” He’s the one whose attitude is turning off employees.
“Don’t make excuses for once. Just get to work.”
I glare at him. “You really want to lose one more waitress?” He’s glaring right back at me but in my heart I know the customers shouldn’t get cold food just because Dan is an asshole. “Gotta serve the customers,” I quip and grab another round of plates, taking them to the table of middle-aged tourists with the wide midwestern smiles.
“Millie.” Julian’s deep voice snags my attention and I stop.
“Your cinnamon roll?”
He nods and I rush off to grab it. Crap. When I return to the main floor, Dan and Julian are deep in what looks to be an intense situation, but when Julian spots me he immediately sits back, suddenly as calm as can be.
“Thanks, Millie. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he informs me, his gaze lingering on mine but then darkens when returning back to Dan.
What’s going on?
I should leave her alone. Really, I fucking should.
But I can’t.
Something about sweet little Millie calls to me, pulling me into her undying orbit. I’ve told myself to stay away, hell I’ve even tried but yet I still managed to make it here thirty minutes before the end of her shift.
It’s reckless to be doing this, knowing I’m putting the girl in danger—but the fact that she works at the diner means she’s already in danger. Danny’s business is my business, ultimately bringing Millie to work for the mob. Fucked up? Perhaps a little. But the least I can do now is protect her.
“The doors don’t bite, at least that’s the rumor around here.” Millie’s voice is full of amusement but that’s not what I notice first. It’s her sweet scent, vanilla and sandalwood mixed with the fried foods of the diner, and the slight brush of her lush breasts against my arm.
I turn to her with a smile. “The doors might not bite Millie, but I do.”
She takes in a breath as her green eyes flutter, her skin flushing an intoxicating shade of pink. She then giggles and fans her face dramatically. “Oh, the things you say Julian…next time you should warn a girl when you’re about to turn on the charm.”
A laugh escapes me at her bluntness. “If I warn you, sweetheart, it’d only lessen the effect.”
She giggles again and the sound is contagious. “Mmm, I imagine. It’s good to see you again.”
“You just saw me yesterday.” Although it sure as fuck feels like a lifetime.
“That was a shift and a half ago,” she counters playfully. “You going in?”
“I am. Are you?”
She nibbles on her bottom lip and sighs. “No, I’m done for the day. But Dan is breaking in a new waitress so you should be good.”
“I don’t want another waitress.”
Millie lays a dainty hand on my shoulder. “You’ll be fine. Promise.”
“Have lunch with me,” I spout out in a way that’s unfamiliar. “Anywhere you want.”
She’s uncertain, her gaze darting back and forth like she’s waiting for something.
“Problem?” I ask.
“Ah, no, not exactly. It’s just…why?”
She shrugs. “I just don’t get it. You’re obviously successful, stupidly gorgeous and I’m just me. A waitress. So before I answer, tell me why.”
With a grin on my lips, it’s easy to explain. “Because you’re undeniably gorgeous and sweet, and most of all you make me smile. Not many people have the pleasure of doing so in a lifetime and for that, I’d like to get to know you better, sweetheart.”