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Wesson: Sons of Chaos and Anarchy, Book #2, page 1


Wesson: Sons of Chaos and Anarchy, Book #2
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Wesson: Sons of Chaos and Anarchy, Book #2

  All rights reserved. The reproduction, transmission, or utilization of this work in whole, or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now know, or hearafter invented, or in any information storage or retrieval system is forbidden without written permission.

  This book is work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental.

  ©2019 Autumn Stone


  Sons of Chaos and Carnage

  Book #2







  The First Day of School


  6 Months Later-RiRi


  6 Years Later-RiRi





  RiRi Therapy






  Wes-The Mission

  Colt-One Month Later


  Wes-The Clubhouse





  Wes-That Night


  The Sons of Chaos and Carnage

  Book #3

  Keep Up with Autumn Stone



  Sons of Chaos and Carnage

  Book #2



  He keeps coming into my room, touching my legs and saying things that he shouldn’t, making me feel…wrong. I know now that it’s just a matter of time before he tries something that I can’t escape.

  When I was younger, the families were wonderful. But, the older I got, the harder it was to find a family that wanted me for me. I wasn’t little girl cute anymore, I was becoming grown girl sexy.

  And when men, and some women, got that gleam in their eyes-their significant others would send me away.

  This time was different. He would hurt me if I continued to stay.

  Each night after he left my room, I would wipe the tears from my eyes and try to focus on the time from before.

  I would drift into dreams of the time from before, when my mom and dad were still alive.

  Before the day that ended my perfect life.

  Dad was a scientist, he loved to study the Universe. He was forever writing down equations and talking to me about the earth on a quantum level. I never really understood what he was talking about, I just loved spending time with him.

  Mom was the principal of the elementary school that I attended. It used to drive me crazy because I never had a break from her, she was everywhere and always knew everything that I was up to.

  We were the perfect American family that just happened to be black. Until the day my parents went out on a date night and left me with the babysitter.

  There was nothing unusual about this, they made a point of having a date night every other week.

  That time was different though.

  They were supposed to return at 10:00 pm, but several hours later, my babysitter began walking back and forth looking out the window, wondering where they were.

  Every time she called their numbers, the call would go directly to voice mail. Each time she called, she would look at me nervously as if afraid to trust her gut about what was really going on.

  Eventually, I drifted off to sleep until I was woken up by a sharp knock on the door.

  The policemen looked at me with sadness in their eyes as they delivered the news to my babysitter. My parents were dead, killed in a horrible, unpreventable accident caused by a man who’d had a heart attack.

  In the days and weeks afterwards, I was sent to live with distant relatives who’d had little contact with us when my parents were alive.

  Walking up the stairs to each new cousin’s home, I would pray that it would work out, but it never did.

  Finally, the state ran out of distant family members to send me to and started sending me into the home of families looking for an easy check.

  This home, though, I vowed would be the last. He had hit me for the last time and I would be damned if he would abuse me in any other way.

  The night I finally decided to run away, I’d walked by my foster mother who looked at me with dead eyes glancing over me while smoking a cigarette on the porch. She was hiding, unsuccessfully, an oxicotin addiction and ignored the bruises, the late night noises, and the pleas that came out of my room each night.


  Pushing my dresser against the door, I jimmied it as hard as I could under the doorknob so that it would make it hard for anyone to get in. Then, as quietly as I could, I grabbed my backpack and my secret stash of cash and opened the window.

  My heart was beating so hard that I felt like everyone could hear it. The sound of the house settling felt like a gunshot in the night and I froze scared that somehow he would know that I was making a run for it.

  Carefully, I latched one leg onto the branch and then another, as I began to shimmy my way down the thick branch and then the trunk.

  Once my feet touched the ground I backed away from the house, constantly keeping an eye on it scared that they would know that I was gone.

  Then, I ran.

  At first, being away from that house was exhilarating because I was free to do whatever I wanted.

  Then, I discovered that even though I was free, I was a 16½ year old girl on the streets with no way to work legally.

  I found jobs busing tables at restaurants that believed the lie that I told about my age. But, I would get fired if someone older and more legal looking walked through the door.

  As the nights grew colder, I tried to stay in homeless shelters but that was always risky. The staff would ask questions and the other people in the shelter sometimes were dangerous to be around.

  On the nights that I decided to stay in a shelter, I would stick close to moms and children. The moms were always a little bit suspicious of me. They didn’t understand that I just wanted to feel like I was part of a family again.

  Finally, I stopped going. Instead, I began hanging with a group of teens who were my age and a little bit older.

  Soon I discovered that they were even more dangerous than the adults. The girls in the crew hated me and the guys wanted me. Eventually, I was pushed out after too many fights with other girls accusing me of wanting their men.

  Eventually, I ended up sleeping in quiet alleys, trying hard to ignore the smells of trash, pee, and the ripe odors of dark, dank places.

  It was on one such night that I woke up to a stunningly beautiful white woman decked out in skin tight jeans, heels, and a Sons of Chaos and Carnage tank top.

  And strangely enough, a cute, pudgy, teenage, black girl stood by her gawking at me as they looked down at me, laying in my sleeping bag.

  “Come in out of the cold. We can’t have you sleeping out here. Samara, talk to Lila about fixing some food for…what’s your name?”



  “I’m Candy and that’s my daughter Samara.” Looking at this beautiful young girl, I knew that she was alone and I imagined what would have happened to Samara if we hadn’t have adopted her?

  There were bruises on her face and she was clearly thin from hunger. “I’m going to show you where to shower and I’ll leave you some clothes on the bed. This is my man and I’s room. Don’t touch anything and don’t leave this room. I’ll come and get you in 20 minutes.”

  The last thing I need is for this young girl wandering a motorcycle club filled with oversexed alpha men.

  Rage was not going to like what I was about to ask him.

  Closing the door, I walked down the stairs and into the bar. The guys were playing pool, the sweet butts were pulling drinks (and other things) and the party was popping.

  Very rarely would I bring Samara to the Clubhouse. I didn’t want her scarred by all of the shit that went on here. Today we were running errands, so we’d stopped by to say “hi” to Rage, my husband and the President of the Sons of Chaos and Carnage Crew.

  My sons were also there, and even though I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t intervene since Rage wanted to teach them the ways of the Club before they got patched in.

  Cutting eyes at my three boys, they quickly moved away from the girls that they were talking to.

  “No glove, no love. I’m too young for grandkids boys.” Sometimes it was important to keep it real. And, a mother’s job is to embarrass her kids.

  Making my way to the back I entered the office where Rage, or Prez, as the Club members called him, was working on the books with Tiny.

  “Hey babe, what’s up.” He looked stressed.

  “We have a situation that I wanted to run by you real quick. Privately if possible.”

  “I’ll step out.” Tiny was always happy to step out and grab a beer.

  “Where’s Samara?” Our daughter was our pride and joy. We’d adopted her when her mother passed away from cancer. Rage had been reluctant initially because adopting a black child while running an all-white MC could have endangered her. So far, we’d kept her pretty safe. But, raising a girl in general had a lot of challenges.

  “She’s in
the kitchen getting something to eat.” I decided to avoid mentioning that she was actually grabbing food for the random teenager that I found sleeping in the back of the building.

  “Here’s the thing, I found a kid sleeping in the back of the building.” With that one statement Rage looked at me sharply.

  “I’m thinking she’s around 16 or 17 years old and a runaway.”

  “What does that have to do with us?” MCs aren’t known for their heart.

  “Rage, I want her to stay with us for awhile. Until she figures things out.”

  “You know how it is for young women in the MC. There’s no free ride. If she stays she’s going to be a house mouse. And, I fucking hate underage pussy in this place for a reason. It attracts problems.”

  “I want you to meet her.”

  Kissing my cheek, he strokes my hair. I can’t believe that we’re still messing around like it’s the first time.

  Nodding, he looks down at me seriously. “Ok.”

  It takes us awhile to make our way back to the club. Rage is constantly interrupted with high fives, questions, and the occasional bitch who tries to hit on my man.

  Finally, we make it to our suite. But, there’s going to be no asking questions tonight as RiRi is fast asleep on our bed looking as young as I thought she was.

  Rage turns, looks at me and walks out.

  “I don’t like this. She can be a house mouse, but the guys are going to be sniffing around her. Let’s find out about her schooling and her backstory. If there’s no other alternative, she can stay here. But, you’re going to take her to the doctor and get on the shot. An accident will ruin her life.”

  Nodding, I say nothing as we closed the door.


  Disoriented, I woke up for the first time in a long-time in a bed. A heavy duvet covered me and I figured that someone must have placed it over me the night before.

  I wasn’t sure what to make of Candy, but at least I’d been warm for one night. My stomach gurgled loudly in the silence of the room and I tried to remember the last time that I’d eaten.

  Almost two days ago after a pretty good dumpster diving haul at the local Whole Foods.

  Pushing the covers away, I took another shower enjoy the steady stream of hot water on my skin. Once you’re homeless, it’s amazing how something as simple as a hot shower becomes a big deal.

  Stepping out of the shower, I looked in the mirror and whispered to myself “You’ve got this.” Then, I got dressed and waited for Candy to get me.

  The clip clop of high heels alerted me to her arrival. This time she didn’t have her daughter with her and I knew that whatever she had to say I might not like.

  “How did you sleep?” She asked while sitting down in the comfy chair by the bed.

  “Great, the bed is really comfortable, thank you.” I didn’t want her to think that I took her kindness for granted.

  “Well, I talked to my husband last night and I have a proposition for you. But, before I share it, I want to know as much as you feel comfortable sharing about how you ended up sleeping by our door.” Her face was kind as she said this and for the first time in years, I talked about my parents, the accident, and my experience in foster care.

  Standing up, Candy gave me a hug that was almost painful. “Sweetie, I’ve been where you’re at and you’ll be ok. Here’s the thing, my husband, Rage, is the president of the Sons of Chaos and Carnage MC. Everyone has a role to play in the MC. And, as a beautiful young woman, a black young woman, I need to be clear about what to expect.”

  Nodding my head, I sat down to listen.

  “There is a hierarchy in the MC for both men and women. For women there are the house mouses, who basically help the guys’ with all things domesticated…except for sex. Rage is strict about no sex between the guys and the mouses. Then, there are the sweet butts, they attend to all of the physical needs of the men without any of the relationship complications. Finally, the old Ladies, basically, this is a match beyond marriage. Never fuck with an Old Lady’s man.”

  Looking down, I saw my hands shaking with nerves.

  “You’re too young for anything other than becoming a house mouse. But, you’re also incredibly beautiful. You’ll be under our protection as long as you’re underage, but once you turn 18 you’ll be free to make whatever choices you want. The one thing we will insist on is that you get The Shot. Sometimes rules are broken and an accidental pregnancy is the last thing that you want.”

  There was nothing to say at this point.

  “If you decide to stay with us, we will take care of you, but this isn’t a free ride. And, we will expect you to go to school and finish getting your diploma.”

  My mouth dropped open when she said that. One of the worse things about being homeless was not being able to finish school. I had amazing grades before I ran away despite everything that was going on in that hellhole. I wanted to return to school, I just didn’t want to end up in the system again.

  As if she could read my mind, Candy brought that up. “We have ways of working around the system. Since you ran away, I know that you don’t want to go back into it. We’ll craft you a new identity that only Rage and I will know about. And, one last thing-have you been with someone before? Normally, I wouldn’t ask this question, but you’re a young girl that’s going to be around some rough men. I remember looking for love from all the wrong places. How do you think I ended up with Rage?”

  My cheeks were hot as I blushed in embarrassment. Despite what most people thought, I’d never slept with anyone before.

  “I haven’t been with anyone.”

  “This is an MC clubhouse. Rules are different here and I’m not going to judge you on what you do. However, accidental pregnancies are a bitch to deal with. I’ll make an appointment for you to meet with the club gyno and she will get you set up on some birth control. It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

  I nod because what else is there to say?

  Candy walked out the door and I followed her through the noise, smoke, and the men. For a second I considered walking back out the door and never returning. But, it hit me, where would I go?


  I’m hanging out at the Club House because dad felt that I was old enough to handle the shit that happens there. I’m only allowed two beers a night and I’m making my way to the bar hoping to sweet talk Mara the bartender while ordering my second beer for the night.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I notice my mom walking down the hallway with the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.

  At first, I am wondering if my eyes are deceiving me. She looked just like Rihanna. I noticed that the other brothers around me are watching her too and I wondered what she was doing here with my mom?

  Is she going to become a new sweet butt? I hoped not, it seemed like a waste.

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