Twisted in Chaos (Destructive Devastation Book 2), page 1

Twisted In Chaos
Destructive Devastation Series
Book Two
Aly Beck
Copyright © 2025 by Aly Beck
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Cover Design: Pretty in Ink Creations
Dev Editing: Steph Rawlins
Editing: Jenni Gauntt
Formatting: Jenni Gauntt
Red Flag Shopping List
Previously on Twisted In Obesession
Character List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Welcome to Twisted in Chaos.
This is a book on the darker side of things with several Red Flags that may tick your yays or nays. Please see the next page and visit my website to view the full list to ensure you know what you’re jumping into.
And if you happen to come across something that needs to be added, please email me at
Thank you so much for once again reading my work! I appreciate you all so much and I hope you like the conclusion of Journey’s thiccccc story! Ha.
Red Flag Shopping List
Please note that Twisted in Chaos does dabble in darker themes and has situations that might be uncomfortable….
KABOOMS (Could be Orgasms or Firepower. It’s up to you to decide.)
*Potential spoiler**
Check out for the full list.
Previously on Twisted In Obesession
Journey West, our beloved FMC, has been under her monster—Gabriel Viotto's, thumb for years since she saved her sister, Sunshine, from being assaulted by Thomas Mondelli. Journey stabs him, and he dies.
Gabriel sent her sister Sunshine to a hospital because of her heart condition and only let Journey talk to her through written correspondence and the occasional video chat while he trained Journey for 6 months to become his spy.
Enter....the Devil's of Briar Cove. The mafia heir, Jericho, and his besties, Arrow and Sheppard. (Our MMCs).
They stalk Journey to a party, wear masks, and rock her world. From there, they stalk her more, forcing her to live with them and be their girl by signing a contract.
They chase her through the woods, fuck some more. She meets Arrow's pet lions—Max and Nova... and you guessed it... fuck some more.
Arrow removes her IUD without her knowledge. Jericho marries her without her knowledge. Come to think of it, I think Shepp is the only angel out of the three of them... Oh, our sweet, mute painter.
Oh! And they fuck some more... without the IUD. *wink*
At the end of TIO, they attend their mafia initiation night where Journey is sold to Shadow, the mysterious villain who has been attacking the Viotto Crime family.
And surprise! He's Thomas Mondelli (Shepp's father and also, the man Journey murdered.)
Now are you ready to jump back in?
Character List
Main Characters:
Journey FMC
Jericho MMC
Shepp MMC (Only uses ASL to converse since his father cut his tongue out).
Arrow MMC (also, slightly unhinged)
Side characters:
Gabriel Viotto- Jericho's father.
Grace Viotto- Jericho's mother
Thomas Mondelli- Shadow. Also, he's supposed to be dead.
Elias White- leader of the blue spider gang
Jenni- Journeys BFF
Sunshine- Journey's little sister.
“You,” I breathe.
Vomit churns in my stomach at the sight of him hovering above me with that same menacing smile that haunts my memories. It lurks in the shadows of my mind, surfacing during my darkest moments.
In those bleak hours, he is always there, taking what isn’t his. And then, my knife appears, slicing through him again and again. I leave no part of him unmarked—torso, face, limbs, hands, feet. I stab him relentlessly for daring to harm my sister and me.
Blood drips from every inch of him, and his howls of pain fill the trailer, pulling me back from the blackness that had consumed my vision.
How he survived to become a never-ending nightmare, I’ll never know.
And that was only the beginning.
He’s the catalyst of my darkness. Thomas Mondelli. Shepp’s father.
“Me,” he says with glee, clapping his hands together.
The man who was second-in-command to my monster—Gabriel Viotto. The man who made my life a living hell for murdering the man before me.
Only, he’s not dead, given the fact he’s standing right in front of me, eyeing the emotions crinkling my face.
Shadow–my monster’s greatest adversary.
All the pain. All the torture I endured at the hands of Gabriel was for nothing. The guilt that gnawed at me for years. Wasted. Was my sister safe? Yes. But me? Am I okay?
Never again.
Did my monster know he was alive? Was he in on the plan to let Shadow freely roam as a new man until he could make this deal to send Sunshine and me away?
I’ll never be the same fucking person I was four years ago when I was just trying to survive and provide for my sick sister.
The familiar darkness swirls inside me, starting low in my belly and spreading like dark tendrils, encapsulating every inch of me, swallowing me whole, and taking my fear and rendering it useless.
Like me.
I’m useless. I keep fucking up and getting myself bound to chairs and stuck in cages because men in power deem it so.
Long before, as a child, literal sunshine made up my insides. Happy. Carefree. Living my life the best way I knew how. Sure, I had a shitty childhood filled with a mother who didn’t give a shit if I ate or had clothes. As long as she had the men coming in and out and the drugs they brought her to fill her veins, that’s all that mattered.
Not me. Or my sister, Sunshine.
Then it happened. That fateful day when I snuck out to hang with my friends and left my little sister locked behind her bedroom door. Even though I knew the dangers, my mom brought men back to our trailer day in and day out. Nothing new. Except this time, my mother sold her own damn kid to get the drugs she was aching for.
And me? Well, I stabbed a man to stop him from molesting my sister. Then, my mother sold me to a monster without caring for my well-being.
It was there in the depths of my monster’s basement when Gabriel Viotto tortured me into submission that my darkness was created from my misery. It started as nothing more than a tiny black dot blocking the trauma and feelings.
Then, it transformed into its own damn entity, covering my insides and suppressing the torture and murders I was forced to take part in.
After months of living in a small dirty cage, in blood-stained clothes, my darkness never left me. It grew like a parasite clinging to my soul and darkening me day by day.
Until he freed me from the confines of that cage and sent me back to my trailer with strict instructions on how I could make up for my indiscretions.
But I wasn’t truly free.
And I never will be.
“You,” I gasp again like a broken record, unable to say anything but the obvious.
“Yes, me,” Shadow confirms, tilting his head as he looks me up and down from head to toe.
Shots of denial pour through me in waves. My stomach sloshes with nausea.
He’s not here. Can’t be! Why? Because I killed him three years ago.
Heaviness pushes on my chest. I gasp for oxygen, begging it to fill my lungs. Every breath I suck in becomes painful, like razor blades tearing through tissue and refusing to inflate.
This can’t be happening. I can’t be facing the man I stabbed. He’s supposed to be dead and buried. That’s what they said. That’s what Shepp said. His own son. That’s why I was taken to my prison. He’s dead. He’s fucking dead!
Just tonight. Last night? Today? Fuck. My sense of time withers away. How long have I been in Shadow’s clutches, rotting away in the chair?
Minutes? Days? Weeks?
How long has it been since Gabriel sold me out and pushed me into the stairwell where men took me hostage?
Pain pulsates through my skull the more I try to search my memories for the time gap, but I come up empty-handed. It’s like it’s all vanished, swallowed by a time thief.
Only the faint memories of our night starting at the initiation ball, celebrating my guys’ leap into manhood within the Viotto Crime Family, remain.
However long ago, I was securely in Jericho, Arrow, and Shepp’s protective arms, enjoying the wine and snacks. Well, as safe as I could be, surrounded by the entire gun-toting Viotto family. They are the most notorious crime family on the West Coast, controlling parts of California and expanding their empires through gambling, gunrunning, and whatever else they do to make ends meet.
I inwardly groan, remembering Arrow admitting to removing my birth control and Jericho marrying me without my knowledge. They’re truly walking, talking red flags. And I somehow got myself entangled with them. Technically, though. It wasn’t my doing. They kidnapped me, forced me to sign a contract, binding me to them, and handcuffed me to their wrists.
And where did that all land me?
Here. Tied to a chair.
I grit my teeth, throwing my eyes open. Stay alert. Take in the scene. Form a plan to get everyone out. My eyes wander around the room, avoiding Shadow looming over me with a curious gaze. Judging by the cave-like space we’ve been thrust into; I’m not digging my way through the thick rock walls. Makeshift lights barely illuminate the small cavern. There are no windows. Only a singular door. One way in. One way out.
How the hell am I supposed to get Shepp, Sunny, and myself out of here in one piece?
No, I am leaving this goddamn prison with my life intact. Sunny. Me. Shepp. We’re all getting out of here. No matter what.
Pain ricochets through me as the memories of the night before flood in. The distinct sound of gunshots popping off and three bodies thumping loudly against the stage. Gabriel sold Sunny and me to Shadow for money. My money. Something I had only known about for a short time.
Greed makes the world evil.
But why does he even need my twenty-million-dollar inheritance? He’s rich enough without it. Gabriel owns Briar Cove without lifting a damn finger. He could bark an order, and anyone in a fifty-foot vicinity would jump into action.
His greed leaves me with nothing but confusion.
My eyes stagger to Shepp, bloodied and on the ground to my left. He hasn’t moved an inch since they tossed him there. Through the low light of the room, I carefully eye his chest, watching as it shakily expands and deflates. He’s breathing. Alive! But not conscious, either. My heart aches thinking about his demise. Or Jericho. Or Arrow. Are they okay? Did they get shot? Hurt? God damn it. I need to know if they’re alive or dead.
I swallow hard, bringing my gaze back to the smug man in front of me. It takes every ounce of courage to look into his blank eyes. On instinct, I want to recoil when I notice the thick scars surrounding his left eye. Scars I must have given him.
He resembles an evil-looking villain, hellbent on ending my life.
He must notice where my mind travels to because his grin grows impossibly large and cartoonish. Evil radiates off him again, like the first time I saw him in our trailer manhandling my baby sister like he owned her after my mom fucking sold her to him.
I need to remain calm to process this entire situation with a level head. There’s no room to lose my cool or let the swarming panic take me under.
“No,” I rasp, swallowing the bile again, trying to keep my damn composure. “No. Fuck no!” I hiss out, showing every damn emotion inside me, rattling my chair with my frantic movements.
Yeah, way to stay cool and collected, Journey. Way to face him like a woman. Now, raise your chin. Buck the fuck up and face your ghost like the brave woman you are.
My darkness swarms every inch of me, dampening the panic clogging my throat. I breathe and count to ten, getting myself under control again.
Despite my monster being the biggest dickbag on the planet, he gave me a plethora of good lessons to defeat an enemy. Any enemy. Mine. His. Whoever. Months of torture broke me down until I was the perfect puppet. And now, I need to remember who he made me into.
I’m a badass bitch, capable of so many things Shadow can’t fathom.
I take a deep breath, calming the raging storm inside me. The boys’ encouraging voices echo in my mind, offering me the strength I’m desperate for.
I discreetly pull at my restraints, wincing when they tighten around my wrists and ankles, binding me to the rickety chair, creaking with every move.
“Believe it or not, I’m still here. Always have been.” Shadow’s grin sends shivers down my spine.
Fear sparks deep inside me, flickering to life when his attention falls on Sunny, sitting rigidly in her chair. My fear has never been for me. My desperation to live has never been solely on my shoulders. It’s always been for Sunshine and her safety.
“How wonderful to see both of you again. I’ve been aching to get my hands on you. But you’ve always been so protected.” He tsks at that, putting his hands behind his back.
My heart aches at the movement, reminding me of something Jericho often does when he’s deep in thought.
“Why?” I croak, attempting to bring his attention back to me.
Sunny doesn’t deserve this.
He snorts. “So, I can thank you for the freedom you bestowed upon me.”
Everything inside me stops all at once. What did he say? I blink several times when a menacing chuckle vibrates through him.
“Freedom?” I bravely ask.
“Freedom,” he repeats with a nod. “Imagine the hell I lived in under Gabriel’s rule.” He spits at the ground. “Dying allowed me to build this.” He holds his hands out, gesturing to the stuffy, dim room. “A man of the family must die before his soul is released from the binds of his duty. I died. Therefore, I was released to build my empire in the shadows beneath that backstabber’s nose. He’ll pay for ever betraying the men around him, including me.”
Right. Of course. The blood oath of the family. Something Gabriel forced me to do, too. The night I fell on my knees and bared my chest, leaving behind a scar of memories I can never forget.
I am a part of the family. Therefore, my death is the only thing that will release me from its binds.
“But no matter,” he says, shaking his head. “There are so many things you don’t know.” He grins. “So many secrets left to be answered.”
“What are you talking about?” I question, watching his every move as he steps back. Not bothering to elaborate on what he means.
“Come on, you. You’re coming with me,” he grunts, digging a knife out of his pocket and flicking it open.
My breath stalls when he cuts the ties around Sunny’s wrists and ankles. My darkness swirls before my eyes, cutting off any rational thought.
“No. What are you doing?” I growl, pulling at my restraints when he forcefully pulls Sunny to her feet.
She stumbles slightly, but he rights her with his tight grip.
“Please,” Sunny gasps, clutching her chest and yanking her arm. “You can’t.”
My heart pounds against my ribs when her gaze flicks to me. Terror lives in the depths of her deep green eyes, filling with fat tears, threatening to spill over. She shakes her head at me, warning me off while attempting to fight for her life against him. Her long brown locks hang over her slim shoulders, swaying with every jerk of her body. Her sickness has made her vulnerable. Weakening her entire being. Fighting against him will only cause her more harm than before.