Looking For It (Three Player Co-op Book 1), page 1

Looking For It
Three Player Co-op Book 1
Allyson Lindt
This book is a work of fiction.
While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2019 by Allyson Lindt
All Rights Reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.
Manufactured in the United States of America
Acelette Press
Table of Contents
Copyright Page
Looking For It (Three Player Co-op, #1)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
About the Author
To all my Geek Girl Queens. Keep Rocking the Fandom.
Chapter One
Things I didn’t know I didn’t want to see until I saw them:
How hot dogs are made.
The Black Friday line at Walmart.
My brother’s best friend, in my bedroom, with my vibrators and other assorted toys scattered at his feet.
Jax had been around almost as long as I could remember. Hanging out with my brother since they were in kindergarten and I was a year too young to join them. There was a span of time when he wasn’t welcome, but since we’d made things right, I didn’t mind having Jax around. With his short brown hair, piercing hazel eyes, and a physique that didn’t need a rubber suit to show off the definition, seeing him—the looking—was fantastic.
“Who knew little Dee Dee had a wicked side?” A smirk tugged up the corner of his mouth.
No one else had called me Dee Dee since high school—nearly a decade ago. It was Sadie, or Mercedes if the occasion was formal. But sometimes when Jax said it, I could pretend it was a pet name and not just a long-time habit.
“Anyone who’s watched the outtakes on her Patreon.” Grayson’s voice came from behind me.
He was referring to one arm of my business. I made costumes based on characters from video games, movies, and whatever else caught my eye. Usually anime. It was why my short hair was currently lavender. My last outfit had been Ayane from Dead or Alive. YouTube let me share how-to videos, print-on-demand gave me a way to sell books, and Patreon let the fans support my hobby. In exchange, they got access to some of the sillier, more sweary outtakes from my vids.
Jax tapped his chin. He perpetually had two days’ worth of stubble on his face. I swore, even right after he shaved... stubble. “Those are probably my favorites. Closest we get to seeing the real Sadie.”
I crossed the short distance to Jax, and took the now-broken cardboard box from his hands. “I’ve got this. Thanks.” I tried to keep my tone even. To pretend I wasn’t utterly embarrassed by the assortment of battery-operated latex on the carpet.
I was moving today, and my brother was supposed to help me. He’d had to take a last-minute weekend meeting with a client, and asked Jax to step in. Since Jax was dating Grayson, and Grayson had the pickup truck to haul most of my stuff, that meant I got both guys for the price of one.
I liked Grayson’s company too. His wit. How incredible he looked in the cosplay armor I designed. His mind, of course.
At least it wasn’t my brother who had picked up the less-than-secure box of toys. I shoved them back in their temporary home. I’d used more than one of these when I fantasized about being with Grayson. Or Jax. Or both. They liked to invite other people into their bed and share, and my imagination liked being that person.
While I couldn’t imagine personally loving someone and being able to share them with another person, my mind could run a marathon with the idea being with both men at the same time. My favorite accessory was probably the U-shaped toy where the textured end slid inside me, and the suction end vibrated against my—
“I’ll help.” Jax’s hand brushed over mine when he knelt next to me, and sparks danced along my skin. “These are a lot of fun with a partner.”
I— What? He had to be teasing me. A glance showed his expression was playful.
“I have them for when there isn’t another person.” I could do this. I could talk about sex toys with a straight face. Without giggling like a kid. The heat flooding my face said I must be tomato red by this point, but I wasn’t backing down.
“So you’ve never done it?” Jax asked.
Grayson cleared his throat. The sound was loud and exaggerated.
Good. He could shut his boyfriend down.
Jax glanced at him. “Sadie and I are having an adult conversation. If she doesn’t like it, she can say so.”
Do it. Tell him now to stop.
Or let him keep going, and see if he blinked first. Everything he said was going in the fantasy pile, and imagining the two of them helping me masturbate was a pretty good addition.
“Done it? As in sex? Are we twelve? No. I’m not a virgin.” Wow. I actually said that without my voice cracking.
“Not that, gorgeous.” Another nickname that always meant more than it probably should, coming from him. He had a way of making it sound sincere and light-hearted at the same time. Jax held up a bullet vibrator. “Played with one of these with someone else.”
The fantasies existed because I didn’t have many memories of good sex. Not that my love life was all bad, it just wasn’t toe-curling, sheet-clutching, back-scratching amazing. That kind of thing was for the imagination and porn. “No.”
“I’d be willing to give you a demonstration.”
He was taking this a lot farther than I expected, and what was I supposed to make of Grayson’s silence?
I was going to see how far Jax took it. If the answer all the way I still wasn’t flinching first.
Who was I kidding? I wanted to love every minute of it. Desire hummed through my veins and the heat under my skin was as much need as it was embarrassment.
There was a big, gaping flaw in his proposal, besides the fact that I shouldn’t even flirt with my brother’s friends, let alone consider fucking one of them. “If it’s all toys, even with a second person, is it really sex?”
“If it’s not, you’ve got the wrong second person,” Jax said.
Of course. “What about you?” I looked at Grayson. “Are you just going to stand there and watch?”
He shrugged. “Sometimes. In this case, I’m thinking yes.”
Because their relationship was open. Adding the idea of Grayson watching to that of getting a taste of Jax drove my senses wild, and it was probably status quo for them.
It was a bad idea for me to even pretend I could live in that part of their world, regardless of what the tingles racing through me wanted. Apparently, I was going to blink first. “Lyn’s waiting on us. We should finish packing up the cars.”
I shoved the box of toys on my dresser, to grab last. That way I could keep it in the front seat with me, and make sure when I fantasized tonight about giving Jax a different answer, I had latex help on hand.
We resumed loading boxes—bigger and heavier ones in Grayson’s truck, and smaller in my car.
I was moving into a spare bedroom in my best friend Lyn’s house. She owned a corner lot shop she’d purchased for a steal at a foreclosure auction. She turned the main floor into a gaming cafe, complete with a bakery for her own sinfully amazing baked goods.
A few months ago, she did a massive remodel on the shop—fiber optics in the walls. High-end gaming chairs and top of the line hardware. And her dream kitchen for producing mass quantities of sweets. Business slowed for her right after, and she was struggling to pay back the loan for the overhaul.
I was moving in because my lease was up, and I needed month-to-month deal until the jobs I was pursuing in L.A. panned out. But my being there would also help her make ends meet until things picked up again for her business.
I grabbed one of the last boxes from my bedroom and was heading outside when I found Grayson in the living room. He had taken my replica lightsaber from its cradle, a grin on his face. “Power. Unlimited power.” He held the lightsaber above his head, and called out in his best Palpatine voice.
The replica had been a gift from him and Jax. I was on a Star Wars kick after “The Force Awakens” came out and they gave it to me to accent my Rey costume. The only thing that made the gift more perfect was I had no idea they’d made the purchase when I’d gotten them each one too, as a thank you for Jax being my Kylo Ren and Grayson being my Poe.
I took the weapon from him. “So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.
“Count me outta dis one.” Jax’s high-pitched Jar Jar Binks impersonation came from behind. He rested a hand on the small of my back as he stepped around me, and warmth spread out from his touch.
It was a simple gesture to let me know he was there, and one he’d made countless times in the past. Today it sparked images that weren’t ready to be shoved aside.
He took the lightsaber from Grayson and handed it to me. “Apparently you left a lot of your toys out.”
“I wanted to make sure this one travelled safely. It’s special, and doesn’t go in a box.” I took it from him. It was tempting to say something more about the toy comment, but I needed to let that line of conversation die.
Even if my mind was taking Jax’s hand on the small of my back and spinning it into a rom-com style hook-up. Except instead of an awkward kiss that ended in light laughs, the next step was Jax lifting me onto the kitchen counter, and fucking me until I screamed.
I mentally shook myself and got back to work. Now wasn’t the time. I’d never had an issue separating the fantasy from reality before. Then again, Jax had never offered to help me play with my vibrator while Grayson watched before.
He’d only been teasing, to see how I’d react. My no ended the moment, as it should have, and it was time to let things go.
I climbed onto the bed of Grayson’s truck, to settle a box in among the others. It was like Tetris, but sweatier. When I stepped back toward the edge, Grayson was waiting his turn. He reached up and grabbed my hips, to help me hop down.
Which was perfectly normal, and nothing to get excited about.
“I think we’re almost done,” he said. “Want to do one last pass?”
“Yeah. Good call.” I headed back into the house, surveying each room carefully. All of the boxes were gone. Every loose item I’d wanted to keep an eye on was secured in my car. Only furniture was left.
Last stop was my bedroom. I paused just inside the doorway, using the silence to collect my thoughts. I was about to make some huge changes in my life, and my mind spent its free time these days going over all the details again and again.
The unknown in the rest of my life was the only reason Jax’s playful offer wouldn’t leave me alone. There was no other explanation for the excitement that thrummed under my skin at the thought of his hands roaming over me. His lips. His everything.
No other explanation at all.
And the brief conversation about sex toys was no reason to let things become long-term awkward with my brother’s friends. My friends.
I heard the front door close, and footsteps echoed through the apartment.
Jax stopped behind me, one hand on my back again. Even without the familiar gesture, I always knew it was him. His cologne was faint but distinct, and currently adding another level of reality to my fantasies.
“I wasn’t joking.” His voice was throaty. Intoxicating.
“About what?” I knew what, but I needed to hear him say it.
He moved his hands to my hips, and pointed me toward the box on my dresser. The one I’d almost overlooked, and would have been super disappointed to find missing when I got to my new place.
“You’re not the least bit curious?” he asked.
“Maybe.” The answer slipped out without my permission. “But talk about making things awkward.”
“It doesn’t have to.” Grayson had joined us.
The images surged in full force. Not just of Jax, but now Grayson watched us... Desire sparked in my gut and spread through my limbs.
“We’re all adults,” Jax said. “This doesn’t have to be a big deal.” Did his voice catch?
No. That was my breath hitching at the implication. Could I really do casual sex with them? Probably. I never had a problem looking either of them in the eye after fingering myself to visions of one of them going down on me while I sucked the other off. “Good point.”
Jax turned me to face him, and cupped my cheek. I could drown in those liquid amber eyes. “I’ll ask you directly, one more time. You tell me to drop it, and I’ll never bring it up again. Are you interested in a hands-on demonstration of how much fun a toy can be with a partner?”
Yes. God yes. I should say no. But if I did, he’d respect my wishes and possibly never offer again. I’d regret passing up this chance for a long time.
“All right. Show me.” My pulse hammered in my ears so loudly I barely heard myself speak. “Let’s have some casual fun.” Why did I add that last bit?
Jax’s raised eyebrow echoed my question, but he rested his other hand on my cheek, and brushed his mouth over mine.
The feather-light touch sent a million tiny jolts through me, and I gasped. How did he do that with just a kiss?
He glided his hand to the back of my neck, gripped my hair, and crushed his lips to mine. His kiss was hard. Demanding. He danced his tongue around mine in a hungry tango.
I planted my palms on his chest to keep my balance, fisting his T-shirt and gripping as though my life depended on it. A whimper escaped my throat.
Jax pulled away with a self-satisfied smirk.
I liked it. “That had nothing to do with a vibrator.” My voice was breathy and my head swam.
“I didn’t see any lube.” He grasped my fingers. “So it’s either packed away or you don’t need it. Personally, I always imagined you with a sloppy wet pussy, but either way I have to make sure you’re nice and slick for this.”
He’d imagined me...? I was definitely wet after a kiss and a line like that.
Chapter Two
Jax trailed his finger down my neck so lightly, shivers raced down my spine.
I could remind him about the toys, but if his goal was to turn me on and make me slick, it was working.
He followed a different path back up, to brush my ear and then my jaw. My mouth parted in a silent sigh, and he drew his finger along my bottom lip. I pulled him in with my tongue. The twin groans that greeted me were intoxicating, and the reminder that Grayson was watching hammered in my ears to the beat of my pulse.
Jax moved his other hand to my breast, to tease through the heavy fabric of my sweatshirt. He brushed a thumb over my nipple several times, and the soft fleece tickled my sensitive skin. He kept up the attention until I was squirming and squeezing my thighs together.
“Let’s see if you’re ready.” He undid my jeans, and glided his hand over my panties. Dampness had to be seeping through. With a dangerously sexy grin, he shoved my pants and underwear to the floor, rested his hands on my hips, and guided me back to lay on my bed. “Don’t move.”
It was a little awkward, being naked from the waist down, on a bare mattress, with two men in my room. But he wasn’t gone long enough for me to dwell on the thought. Jax held up a vibrator—my current favorite—and turned it on.
I reached for it.
“Hands off,” he warned. “Unless you want me to bind them.”
That was tempting. “I can’t just lay here.”
“You can, but if you need something to do, play with your breasts.” Jax shoved my sweatshirt up to my neck.
I hesitated. Being on display? Not new to me. Doing so completely exposed, while one guy stroked himself through his jeans, and the other teased me with a vibrator? The situation shouldn’t be so tantalizing. I did as he ordered, cupping my boobs and pinching my nipples the way I would if I were drawing out a personal-play session.
Jax paused to free himself from his jeans, and rolled on a condom. “Don’t want to forget in heat of the moment.”
Why did using toys require him to wear a condom?
The question evaporated when he slid the vibrating head along my slit, I gasped at the rush of pleasure. He followed the same path a few times, brushing my clit but never lingering. My hips thrust on their own, needing more... everything.
When he finally slipped the toy inside me, I groaned at the penetration. He teased with both ends of the device, pushing me close to orgasm, then backing away each time my breath grew shorter.
He finally pressed the suction end to my clit. I clenched around the device as I climaxed.
When Jax slid inside me, next to the vibrator instead of withdrawing it first, I cried out. Oh, God.
The twin sets of pressure, him sliding back and forth, and it staying mostly in place, drew out my pleasure until bright lights sparked behind my eyelids.