Mr. CEO's Secret Baby: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance (Billionaire Keepers), page 1

Mr. CEO's Secret Baby
A Billionaire Second Chance Romance
Aimee Bronson
Copyright © 2023 by Aimee Bronson
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.
Note from the Author
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Nanny for the Grumpy CEO
Note from the Author
Just a friendly note that if you aren't familiar with my novels and steam levels,
my "fun" scenes are fairly hot and descriptive, but I wouldn't call it erotica. No closed doors here…
With this book, I get right into the action, so be forewarned!
With my love and appreciation,
Seven years ago
"Baby," I gasped, "I want you inside me."
I ran my hands over his chiseled arms as his mouth covered mine. We were lost in a lust-filled romp, my legs wrapped around his body and me just wanting him. Wanting him in a primal way. Loving how he was wanting me, too.
He hovered over me, growling in a way that primed my core. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening our kiss, intertwining my hungry tongue with his. I wanted to dissolve into him, for us to be one.
His grunt in response told me he wanted to fulfill my request just as much as I wanted it. I reached down to stroke his dick and god, it was hard, and it was ready. I stroked him a few times, and he closed his eyes, absorbing the pleasure. Lining up his cock with my center, I released him and kissed him again. He pushed into me, causing me to gasp with his width. He filled me in a way that I never had with anyone else, and it drove me wild.
He started thrusting, slowly at first, but soon picking up the pace. Both of us were exhaling with every thrust, which probably made us sound like a tennis match gone wild, but I didn't care. We were both nearing the edge, with him moving inside me, and my hips arching up to deepen his every thrust.
He pulled out, and I whimpered my protest.
"I just want to be sure…" He created a trail of kisses down my chest, pushing my breasts together as his face nuzzled between them, and continued downwards. His hands slid down my sides as he came to rest his face between my legs. His eyes were closed, and he looked like he was enjoying himself even more than I was about to be enjoying myself.
His tongue circled my clit, and I tensed with anticipation.
"Relax", he whispered. And he continued to suck me like a ripe peach, my juices feeding his lust. His able tongue explored my folds until it thrust inside me over and over. He finally replaced his tongue with his fingers as he continued to dance his tongue over my clit. My breathing quickened, almost gasping, until a wave of absolute ecstasy rode from my core and exploded out the top of my head. I screeched with total pleasure, becoming completely limp, but wanting him to finish inside me so I could feel his fullness again.
"Please," I begged him. "Get back inside me and fuck me just how you like it. Break my pelvis if you have to." He smiled and then crawled, army style, back up towards my face and kissed me deeply so that I tasted myself on him. It was so fucking hot and I couldn't take it any longer. I spread my legs around him and pulled him close so that he plunged back inside me.
"I just wanted to be sure that you were going to have as good of a time as I'm having." He closed his eyes and his breathing rate increased. "Oh, God, what you do to me," he whispered. He started to pump me over and over, relentlessly, until we were almost unable to contain ourselves. Finally, he thrust deep and held himself in me, arched his back with release, until he finally collapsed.
We lay there, panting with exertion and release, almost unable to believe what pleasure we could create between us.
"Fuck, that was good," he finally said.
"Mm-hmm," I said, almost dreamily. I kissed his forehead. "Totally perfect."
He reached over to his nightstand and opened the drawer. He shimmied his body close to mine, facing me. In his hand was a large, shiny blue button that he was flipping in his fingers.
"I don't have much to give you now, Maya, but just keep this. You never know what our future holds, but I want you to know that you'll always have a piece of my heart." I took the button and gave him a deep, accepting, loving kiss. He was everything to me and this button was the most beautiful gesture.
We lay there and fell into a dopey, blissful sleep. When the sun rose the next morning, we untangled ourselves, had a lighter session of morning sex, and then showered to get ready for the day.
He kissed me goodbye as he headed out to work.
Little did I know that would be the last time I would see him.
I sat alone in our empty apartment, staring out the window at the bustling city below. I couldn't believe it had been two months already since he had left me with only a text to say, "I'm so sorry. I have to go." I didn't think it would be forever. I had asked him to call me and talk about it. There hadn't been any signs that he was unhappy. But he didn't answer ever again, and I had to just let him go.
I hadn’t been sure I’d survive even one day, yet here I was.
I felt lost and alone without him. I felt overwhelmed by the two pink lines on the pregnancy test sitting on the bathroom counter.
I’d known for weeks, though. At first, I denied the possibility. So what, everyone missed a period now and then? I was under a lot of stress.
But then the morning sickness hit early and hit hard. I could barely even keep my job at the off-campus restaurant.
I could no longer ignore the signs or the truth: I was pregnant. Pregnant and alone.
I would have to do this alone. Because he left.
How can I even think about being a single mother? The panic that rose inside me was wild and if I thought too long, my heart rate would get to an unsustainable level. The bottom line was that I was afraid of being a single mother.
But even greater than my fear of being a single mother was how he would take the news that he was going to be a father. If he didn't want to be a part of my life, maybe he didn't want to be a part of our child's life.
After all, he disappeared and didn't want to talk anymore, and just expected me to accept it.
So I decided not to try to find him.
I steeled myself and in the same energy that gets you in shape after a bad break-up, I would tackle this pregnancy the same way. I was going to conquer it despite everything that was against me. He would regret treating me the way he did. I didn't need him. And besides, any man who would do what he did doesn't deserve to be with me or my unborn child.
He wasn't going to have the opportunity to disappoint me-again.
It was going to be ok; I had a brand new degree, I’d get a job, I’d set up a home.
I looked out the window and felt a rush of optimism. That rush was exactly what I needed.
I signed heavily and bent over toward my side table to grab my phone.
Dialling quickly, I waited for a voice to answer my call.
Chapter 1
I sat at my desk, staring blankly at the computer screen in front of me. The reports and emails I had to review were forgotten as my mind wandered to memories of my wife, Ava. It had been two years since she passed away, and while the pain had blunted and dimmed just a bit with time, the longing in my heart was still there.
To compensate, I had thrown myself into my work these last couple of years, thrown my energy and my very essence into building what had become one of the most promising tech companies in the world, determined to bury all the feelings that had threatened to consume me.
But today, I couldn't ignore the weight of my grief. My chest tightened, heavy and alive with a mind of its own, and my breathing became shallow as I fought back tears. I didn't want to show any vulnerability, not even to my closest friends, and especially not to my employees.
I knew I had to escape, to be alone with my thoughts and feelings. I called my assistant and instructed her to cancel all my meetings for the rest of this week and next. I didn't want any distractions or interruptions. I needed some time. I needed some space. I felt unmoored. From experience, I knew this would pass. But I also knew it was easier when I was alone. For everyone.
I was just about to leave the office when the phone o
“Jack Monroe.”
"Hey Jack, it's Maya…er, Maya Davies. I hope you're doing well.” Maya’s voice was clear and bright, even across however many miles through the phone.
And just like that, my unbalanced world was thrown off even more. Like I had the time machine I spent two years so desperately wishing for, I was slammed back into long walks on a tree-lined college campus, late-night conversations, and long, hot kisses. But this time with Maya Davies.
For reasons that only my younger self could explain, I hadn’t seen Maya for years, but she had been an important part of my life for many years. Number one, I don't know how she found me and number two, I was beyond curious why she was calling me today.
“Maya Davies,” I repeated, yearning for the days long before I knew about the kind of grief that could rip your soul from your body. “It’s been a while. What can I do for you?”
I couldn’t help the small tug of my lip that threatened a tiny smile.
Maya cleared her throat, maybe sounding a little nervous.
“It sure has been a while, Jack. I’m calling because I’m now a reporter for Mile High Magazine and we’re working on a forty under forty feature. It’s focusing on leaders in Colorado who have made an impact in their sector. And, of course, everyone is under forty years old. It was just as big of a surprise to me as maybe it is to you, but I’ve been assigned to write a profile on you.”
My heart sank like a rock to the pit of my stomach, muscles tied in knots. I was in no place and had no interest in being the subject of a fluffy vanity piece.
I had worked hard to build this company from the ground up, fueled by a passion for technology and how it could be used to make the world better. I didn't want to be portrayed as just another rich guy.
"Maya, I don't have time for this. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested," I said sharply, firmly replacing the receiver on the phone.
As I walked out of the office, storming inwardly. I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. My blood still roared and my head swam with the even stranger turn the day had taken.
But, sighing, I realized I had been a complete asshole. For no reason. Maya was doing a job. She had no way of knowing the shitstorm that was today.
I turned on my heel and headed back to my office. Without giving myself a chance to think, I walked quickly over to my phone and pulled up her number from the 'recent callers' list.
“Hello?” Maya’s voice vibrated with annoyance, but I couldn’t blame her.
“Hey, Maya.” I forced a brightness into my tone that was nowhere close to feeling.
"What do you want, Jack?"
I pinched my eyes shut and rubbed the spot between my brows that started to throb.
"I wanted to apologize for hanging up. I was out of line.”
The throbbing in my head continued to beat to the rhythm of my too-fast pulse.
"You think?" Ah, there was the Maya I used to know. Full of sarcasm and not inclined to take anyone’s bullshit.
“I know. I’m sorry.” I sighed deeply, trying to exhale all the weird energy that was whirling through my body. My blood felt like it was spinning through my veins.
“Look, I’m heading out of town for a few days, to my cabin up in Crested Butte. How about you come up and we can do the interview there. You can get photos, videos, whatever you need.”
"You want us to come to your cabin?" Her confidence wavered a bit, her voice pitching up. I smiled, as this was also the Maya I once knew.
“Yep. If you want to do this, that’s what I can do. I’ll be too slammed when I get back to Denver to fit this in.”
I held my breath, unsure if I wanted her to deny or accept my proposal. What would it be like to see Maya again? Especially since so much time has passed?
There was a long pause before she finally said, "Okay. We'll come up to the cabin, but I'm bringing a few people."
"Exactly how many are a few?”
"Three, plus me. I need an assistant, photographer, and videographer.”
I sighed again. There went my relaxing time in the cabin.
“That’s too many. Three of you total. I’ll be up there through the rest of this week and next. You can come up on Tuesday or Wednesday.”
I could tell Maya was getting upset because I could hear her teeth grinding through the phone.
"Still as stubborn as ever," Maya muttered, more to herself than to me, and I had to fight the urge to laugh. “Fine. We’ll be there Tuesday by noon.”
I sank in relief. I had expected her to put up a bigger argument, and I just wasn’t in the mood to fight with anyone. I gave her my cell number, the address, and a few instructions about how to get to the property.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you next week, Jack. I look forward to seeing you again.”
And with that, Maya hung up the phone. I sat there, staring at the receiver even though the line was dead, suddenly feeling very overwhelmed. I rubbed my chest as my heartbeat picked up the pace to something barely tolerable. Sweat trickled across my hairline and down my back. The walls were crowding around me and I felt suffocated. I threw the phone down and walked out of my office, ripping the buttons of my shirt open, exposing the white T-shirt beneath it.
I couldn’t get any air and I felt like my whole body was ready to explode as I forced myself onto the elevator down to the parking garage. I barely managed a smile and a wave to the guard before I darted off to my car.
As soon as my ass was in the seat, I started the engine and threw it into gear; windows were wide open to let in some goddamn air.
I buckled my seat belt as I took the curves of the parking garage too fast, desperate to get the fuck out of this place. Finally, I was out in the bright, cold sunlight, weaving through traffic, feeling a small sense of relief as I hit the highway and sped away from the city, leaving the congested streets and smoggy air in my rearview.
The mix of anger and feeling of suffocation eased just a fraction and my fists slightly released their death grip on the steering wheel as I turned south down the smaller four-lane highway that would eventually wind over the mountains and through the vast valley that always helped me feel free before climbing back impossibly high in the sky. Too often, I flew to Crested Butte, the driving time was always long and unpredictable with traffic. But today, the windshield was what I needed most. And on a Thursday late morning, traffic shouldn’t be too bad.
I wanted nothing more than to be alone, escape the social obligations of the city, and find solace in the mountains. But I couldn't turn Maya down. She was an old friend, and I knew she meant well.
As I drove, I used Bluetooth on my phone to dial up the cleaning company I hired to maintain my cabin. I had done it a million times before, but I could barely focus when I heard the vaguely familiar voice answer the phone.
My heart raced with anticipation. I was nervous, my palms sweating. I knew that I was getting into a situation I was not entirely prepared for, but I had to make it work.
It took me too long to register that the woman on the other end of the line needed me to tell her why I was calling.
“Um, hi. Yes, this is Jack Monroe. I’m unexpectedly heading up to my cabin right now and was wondering if you could squeeze in a light cleaning today and a more thorough cleaning this weekend. I’m having guests next week.”
Guests. I sighed again. That was the theme of this afternoon.
“Mr. Monroe. Absolutely. We had a last-minute cancellation and we can have a crew out there within the hour. Unless anything has changed, we have the codes to get in as well as to disarm the alarm.”
“That’s great. Thank you. And no changes.”
“Wonderful. I hope you travel safely and enjoy your visit.”
Next on my list of responsibilities that I wanted to leave behind was calling my mom back. She had left a message that she just wanted to check in on me. She had the worried tone in her voice that I had come to know all too well over the last two years. After quickly letting her know that I was headed up to the cabin to relax and get some fresh air, she seemed a little more relaxed. She knew how much I loved going up to the cabin and getting lost in the mountains for a little bit. She knew how much it healed my soul.