Rebellion (Curvy Seduction Saga Book 2), page 1

Curvy Seduction Saga – Book Two
Aidy Award
Coffee Break Publishing
Denver, CO
Copyright © 2018 by Aidy Award.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.
Book Layout ©2017
Cover design by Emcat and Butterfly Designs
Parts of this book were previously published as Curvy Seduction: Rebound, Curvy Seduction: Harem, and Curvy Seduction: Circus.
Rebellion/ Aidy Award.—1st ed.
For Ellie, who helped me find me again.
Rebellion is when you look society in the face and say
I understand who you want me to be
but I’m going to show you who I actually am.
―Anthony Anaxagorou
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person.
Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
―Oscar Wilde
The Club King
Yipee Ki Yi Yay
Gray Ops
Ain’t No Sunshine
Keep Austin Weird
The Red Ranch
Anon Dom
Sub before Domme
Curvy Submission
Passing Grades
Practice makes perfect
Take it to the limit, one more time
Domme High
Something’s Wrong
Reunited and it Feels So Good
Who’s Your Mama?
Lust and Love
You’re Mine
Let it Go, Let it Go
What Fresh Hell is This?
Girl Power
All the World’s a Stage
Come, My Baby
I Scream, You Scream
Thank You
The Club King
If ever I owned a sex club it would be the opposite of where I was standing right now.
The Asylum was dark. Not just because of the low lighting that hid all manner of erotic pleasures, like flogging, fellatio, and fucking, but because this was where I’d come to commit my own sins.
I knew I wasn’t supposed to be here. Not without Gray.
Dios Mio, that man knew how to push my buttons. The ones that felt good and the ones that drove me to the edge of insanity. That’s what standing three feet inside the doors to the most exclusive kink club in the city was... insane.
All because I’d thrown a fit.
Orgasm denial would do that to a woman.
The club was filled to the brim tonight and there were more than a few eyes on me. I cocked one hip and raised an eyebrow challenging anyone who glanced my way. Thank goodness I had six foot three of tall, dark, and handsome with me for backup. Dominic was sure to be snarling at any man who stared for too long. He was not here to be my play partner this time. If ever a man was suited for the job of bodyguard slash bouncer, it was this giant, cranky pants African warrior. His face screamed “Grrr” from the second we walked in.
A good way to start my Dominatrix persona.
I had to remind myself that’s why we were here. I wanted to learn everything I could about the BDSM lifestyle that had already set me free. To be a true Domme sounded like a lot of fun.
Even if I had ulterior motives.
Operation Get To Gray was a go.
Step one was to find a Dominatrix who would at least talk to me about the lifestyle if not train me. If I couldn’t make my own connections then I’d find Foster Bennett, the owner of The Asylum. The club king.
I didn’t really want to do that. Or even be here. I wanted to be in Gray’s bed, under his command. Under him.
I also needed to be my own person, not let someone else control my life.
I hadn’t known until recently that I even could be independent. I’d gone from my father controlling everything in my life, to my fiancé. It was too easy to let Gray be the next man to make my decisions for me.
He was the only one who’d ever encouraged me to rebel from my upper east side existence.
Just in time too. The country club trophy wife life had made me depressed, taken every shred of self-confidence, and turned me into an obedient zombie.
I was a bit drunk on my newfound freedoms. Maybe, just maybe, I’d taken the rebellion a little too far tonight.
I might not have, if Gray would let me in. Even a little. It hurt that I was ready to give everything to him and he kept telling me I wasn’t ready.
I was ready the first day I met him.
That was a lie. He’d intimidated the hell out of me back then. The way he’d flirted with me in my father’s office when he’d thought I was a secretary, turning me into a pile of lusty goo for him. No one had ever looked at me the way he had.
I was getting a lot of looks from some super creepy dudes though. If I wanted, we could probably retreat to the safety of Gray’s private seating area. It was one of the only empty places in the club. His VIP status guaranteed no one else would touch me if I decided to retreat there.
“Angelina.” Jim, Gray’s friend and also a bodyguard, approached us. “You’re looking fine tonight. Where’s that asshole of yours, Baker?”
He glanced toward the door and frowned. “Oh fuck. Tell me you didn’t come here without him.”
I crossed my arms. “Fine. I won’t tell you that.”
Jim ran a hand over his shaved head and glanced to his own private area. A woman was there bent over his spanking bench, waiting for him. Her ass cheeks were already pink which meant he’d stopped his own scene to come check in on me. Great.
“You’d better come with me, chickadee. Before someone else notices you’re alone.”
Por el amor de Cristo. Did I have scared little virgin written across my forehead?
No. No, I didn’t.
“Relax. We’re here to have fun. Dominic will take care of any unwanted attentions.”
Dominic backed me up instantly. “Angelina wants to make connections.”
Same-same but different. “Either way I won’t be able to talk to anyone if you look like you’re going to eat them, and not in the fun way.”
“If I let anything happen to you, Baker will kill me. Then he’ll kill you, and then he’ll kill me again. I don’t want to die. I’ve still got too many women to fuck. Besides, I’m already on his shit list for letting you escape and evade last month.”
Before I could respond to that, Dominic gave me a look that questioned what was really going on here. “I am here at your pleasure, Mistress. But I think we should go.”
All my plans were circling the drain. I wasn’t going anywhere until I got what I’d risked angering Gray for. “I think you should go over to the bar and get us a drink.”
Dominick and Jim exchanged glances. Then Jim nodded. “Yes, good idea. If you are drinking, then everyone will know you aren’t playing.”
“Fine. I’ll be right back.” The two men gave each other that dude head nod and I felt like I’d exchanged one keeper for another.
“Come on, I’ll show you a good time until Baker can get here.” Jim grasped my arm by the elbow and tried to lead me away.
I didn’t get up the courage to come here by myself just be manhandled by one of Gray’s cronies. I had one too many overprotective bodyguards, I didn’t need another one. “Gray isn’t coming, so let go of my arm. I can take care of myself just fine.”
Jim held up his hands surrender style and stepped back. “Okay, okay. It’s your hide. But if you need anything. A place to retreat, a spanking, an orgasm or two, you know where to find me.” He winked at me and walked away.
While I appreciated the sentiment that Jim would have my back if I needed him too, I was glad he left me alone. I could finally breathe.
The first time I’d come to The Asylum was a whirly-bird ride in my mind. Lots to see, too much to take in. Tonight I didn’t have Gray whispering in my ear. I took my time letting my eyes peruse the room. Shibari and knife play and fire. Oh my. But I didn’t see any female Dommes. Shoot.
“Enjoying the view, Angelina? I didn’t peg you for a voyeur.” Foster’s voice crawled across my skin and wrapped around me.
I turned to see him seated not three feet behind me in a black leather chair, a naked and collared submissive at his feet. A fine silver chain dangled from her breasts to his hand.
Did he own her? Did she like it? Was that what Gray wanted from me?
Foster caught me staring at the girl. I had to say something. “That’s a beautiful chain. Where did you get it?”
“Thinking you might like to try one out? Show her your leash, Lilly.”
The girl stood and presented her breasts to me. They were way perkier than mine and her nipples were
I went to examine the jewelry, but Foster tugged on the lead and pulled his girl back to his side and then down to the floor.
I almost grabbed my boobs thinking of how painful having my nipples pierced would be.
Foster tugged at her chain again until her face was in his lap. She said nothing, but stared up at him, still as a stuffed toy animal.
“Are you here to finish our arrangement?” He ran his hand over her hair, petting her.
I almost shook my head. I didn’t really understand what either of them were getting out of this relationship. Power and control for him, I suppose. What did she get?
Maybe that why I was having such a hard time with Gray wanting to control me. Yeah, it turned me the hell on whenever he took charge, but I couldn’t see myself being subservient, not having a mind of my own.
Been there, done that, got the emotional scars.
I didn’t even know if this was what Gray wanted from me anyway. I hadn’t made it three days into his training.
Coño. I’d learned more about what Gray’s kinks were from Foster than I had from the man himself. That wasn’t right. I should turn on my heel and go home right now. Make Gray talk to me, teach me.
Love me.
That wasn’t going to happen. If I had to use covert means to understand what the inner workings of his head, then that’s what I would do.
I cleared my throat. “I have a few questions for you. Where would you like to talk?”
He waved to an adjacent chair. “We can start here. I’m sure I’m not the only one who would like to see you come.”
Yeah, no. I sat, perched on the edge, ready to bolt if I had to. I sure could use that drink right about now. I wanted to appear nonchalant, like his request was a humorous anecdote that I could politely scoff at and then sip my tequila. Or something. I’d have to do it without the real confidence or the drink. “I enjoy talking kink, but not quite that much.”
Foster continued to stroke Lilly’s hair and she nuzzled into his lap. “Ah, but you owe me an orgasm.”
Oh really. That’s how he wanted to play this? I crossed my legs and kept silent.
That got his attention. He finally looked directly at me and smiled in a way that I didn’t like at all. “Don’t be shy. I’d like to see you make yourself come, but I’m happy to help.”
I crossed my arms too. “I don’t think so.”
“Suit yourself but do it soon. I don’t have all night.” He gave me that eyebrow lift chin jerk thing. Patience was not this man’s virtue.
“Let’s move on, Foster.”
Lilly turned to look at me, frowning. I really wanted to stick my tongue out at her. In a place like this it could mean something entirely different than I intended. I did it anyway.
“That was not our deal. You come, I share my contacts.” There was so little inflection in his voice it was like he didn’t care. I knew he did. I didn’t know why, just that he wanted that orgasm from me more than he was letting on. “You had your chance. You chose orgasm denial.”
He wrapped Lilly’s chain around and around his hand, tugging on it like a tic. “Our session ended earlier than I anticipated.”
It never should have happened in the first place. It was really stupid of me. Kind of like being here now. “Yep.”
He tilted his head at my short answer. He didn’t like my attitude. “Let’s continue now.”
He drummed his fingers on the arm of the chair. “You’re being a brat again.”
God dammit. I was not a brat. I was a fucking independent woman. “You’re being a misogynistic, domineering asshole.”
Lilly did her best impression of a big eye waif painting. I countered with my resting bitch face.
“That’s not how this works. If you want to play in my club, you will respect me and the other Doms.”
With the best timing ever, Dominic walked toward us with my drink. I had a harem, time to use it to my advantage outside the bedroom. “Because I’m a submissive? I may have been when I was here with Gray. That’s not what I am now. I’m a Domme.”
I reached my hand out, indicating for him to hand me my drink. He scanned the situation, bowed his head slightly as he handed me my drink, then crossed his arms and puffed his chest up. I gave him the tiniest of head bobs and he took up his bodyguard stance behind me.
“I see.” Foster, twisted the chain tighter and his slave girl stood and sat on his lap. He stroked from between her breasts and up to her throat, circling his hand around her neck. Before he took it any further, he looked at me again. “Then fuck you.”
Hey, that was supposed to be my line. Dominic moved like he was going to hit someone. I stuck my hand out, finding his beautifully sculpted abs and held him back. “Fine.”
I stood, and of course, the bastard didn’t. He was no gentleman, so I wasn’t going to be a lady. “You need to grow up and learn how to not throw a fit when one of your toys doesn’t work the way you want, ya big baby.”
Pot meet kettle.
Whether he was going to respond to that or not I didn’t care or wait to see. If my heels weren’t quite so precarious I’d stomp, but decided it was better to glide away on a cloud of fuck you.
Foster Bennett could suck it.
I didn’t know what was I going to do now. He was my only contact. The idea of having to figure this out on my own didn’t quite have the same appeal as learning from a Master.
Okay, so plan B. Learn by doing. “Come on, Dominic. Let’s down these...what is this?”
“Sparkling water. Despite what I said before, and my instructions, I thought you might like to play while we’re here.”
Did I plan to play? I guess so, now that I wasn’t here to get the inside scoop. “We down these sparkling waters. It’s always good to stay hydrated. Then let’s hit this club like a crash test dummy in a Volvo. Hard, but safe.”
He grinned and lifted his glass in cheers. “Yes, ma’am.”
“I’m going to get a sketch of the building and the general layout. You make a tour around the room and see what, uh, services they offer. I’ll meet you back here in say, thirty minutes.”
Dominic swallowed the last of his water and set the glass down. “No.”
I had only one four letter word for that.
He crossed his arms again and stood tall and foreboding in front of me, like he’d block my path if I went wandering. “I would prefer if we stayed together.”
“Why? I don’t actually want to be here that much longer and this way we can compare notes, see if we missed anything and then get the heck out of Dodgeville.”
“Mistress, you know how I dislike secrets. So I must tell you now that Mr. Baker has instructed me not to leave your side, and I have already failed when I got us the drinks.”
“Oh really? What else did Mr. HeCanGoFuckHimself tell you to do?”
“I wasn’t to let you drink any alcohol, get naked, or talk to Mr. Bennett.”
“Well, you’re batting a million, because they may not have served me alcohol, but I’m definitely getting naked.”
And I’d definitely talked to Foster Bennett.
I hadn’t planned on it, but I’d had enough of Gray’s rules.
“In fact, I’m going to get naked right now.”
I slipped off my shoes and yanked down the slinky black dress over my arms and past my hips. I had on a corset and fancy pants underneath.
“Mistress, stop, please.”
“No, no, little lady, don’t stop now. I’ll be mighty disappointed if you do.” The voice was a slow southern drawl that sent warm tingles across my skin.
Yipee Ki Yi Yay
Behind me stood a walking kinky cowboy cliché. Chaps, a hat, and not a whole lot else. Well, there was a big ole something hanging between his chaps. If I was a guy and had equipment like that I’d walk around mostly naked all the time too.
He stuck out his hand. “I’m Tate Hall. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Hope I wasn’t interrupting anything.”
“No, no. Not at all.”