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Incognizant Desires: A Dark Mafia Strong Woman Romance (Legitimate Reign Book 1), page 1


Incognizant Desires: A Dark Mafia Strong Woman Romance (Legitimate Reign Book 1)
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Incognizant Desires: A Dark Mafia Strong Woman Romance (Legitimate Reign Book 1)

  Incognizant Desires

  Legitimate Reign Series Book 1 (A Dark Mafia Strong Woman Romance)

  Aaliyah Rose

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2023 by Aaliyah Rose

  All rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. In no way is it legal to produce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights are reserved. Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  For more information, address:

  Published by Aaliyah Rose


  I dedicate this book to my Illicit Reign fans who encouraged me to write this series.

  Much love, and I hope you enjoy it.


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  1. Catalina

  2. Luca

  3. Catalina

  4. Nico

  5. Catalina

  6. Luca

  7. Catalina

  8. Luca

  9. Catalina

  10. Nico

  11. Catalina

  Get Legitimate Reign 2 - Conflicted Desires

  Your Opinion Matters

  Free Gift

  Other Books by Aaliyah Rose

  About The Author

  Chapter one


  The coffin was expensive. A deep red hardwood, polished, buffed and shined to perfection. So shiny, I could see myself reflected in the earthen wood. Ironic how something so new and refined housed something so dead, old, gone.

  Today the coffin was closed, and for good reason. Apparently when they found his body, it was beyond recognizable. My uncle Darius had to identify him by his attire alone, and even then he didn't want to believe it. Fingerprinting later confirmed it was him, but even now I was still in denial. It couldn't be him…. My father.

  I dabbed at my eyes, smirking at my so-called smudge proof mascara that was covering my linen handkerchief, as tears flowed anew. I idly wondered where on earth so many tears came from. Surely there would come a point where they would just dry up. No more tears. No more heartache. No more pain. Pain… I remembered when it all started.

  It had been one of the sunniest, most beautifully radiant of days when I had received the news. I had been savoring my newest wine blend as I looked over the grapevines lining the hills before me. They looked fantastic, and the new crop would surely bring the enhanced taste our wine was looking for.

  “Catalina Rivera-Flores, you’ve done it again! Perfecto!” I swirled the wine in my glass taking a final sip of the liquid that would be the next high-end wine, and admired the beautiful purple bottle I had designed. It would do excellently, and I couldn’t wait to see what the public thought. Although it was early, people were already starting to filter in, ready to partake in one of our many wine tasting tours and to dine at our famous countryside restaurant. It wouldn’t take long to find out the verdict.

  My thoughts of an award-winning wine were interrupted when an envelope was handed to me. Taking it absent mindedly, I thanked the deliverer with a quick smile and tore open the envelope. It wasn't until I felt the smooth card and wax beneath my fingertips that I knew it was from my father. His expensive taste in stationary and penchant for the old ways of sealing his message with the family crest of a knight and shield, brought a smile to my lips. It was something we had done since my childhood, and I indulged his messages with sending wax-sealed ones of my own.

  I placed my wine down on the banister and gently broke the wax seal, unfolding the letter. At first glance it was way longer than his usual quick snippets of what he was doing or asking what I was up to, but I giggled at his opening endearment of mi changuito, or my little monkey, a nickname he’d called me since I was a child. A deserved nickname, as I was always hanging onto him, especially after my mother’s death.

  I frowned as I looked at the date in his perfect calligraphed writing. It was over a year ago, and if it was one thing he's not, it's disorganized. With his high-profile political career and many businesses, he managed to run it all like a well-oiled machine.

  Very strange indeed.

  * * * * * * *

  To my precious Catalina, mi changuito,

  I dread the day you must read this letter. You are my most treasured daughter and the only person I can trust. I hope that I don't lose it now once I confide in you what I really do. Please don't think poorly of me when you find out the truth and know that what I have done is out of love for you. To secure a future for you.

  To that end, it has always been my wish for you to take on my empire. Keep our empire within the family and carry on our name for many generations to come. I know you are not one for politics and I would not wish for you to follow a path that is not true to your heart, but the other businesses I run are now yours to carry on. Already you have proven yourself an adept businesswoman, running several of our winery estates and leading our restaurant chains. I know you can handle the rest as well, especially with the team I have in place. They are loyal to the family.

  I have all their details and my personal information, all my business records, dealings, partnerships, and associations hidden in our special spot. Only you will know where to find it.

  For now, know that I love you with all my heart, and I sincerely hope that you find that special someone and live out the rest of your days in blissful happiness. I wish I could be there to share it with you, but know I will be watching over you.

  I will love you always.

  Your loving father,

  Mateo Rivera


  P.S. Where do ghosts go on vacation? The Boo-hamas.

  P.P.S. I bet you thought I forgot the bad dad joke. I hope I always make you smile, even beyond the grave.

  * * * * * * *

  I chuckled, shaking my head. One thing was for sure, his jokes, as lame as they were, were actually getting funnier. I reached into the back pocket of my jeans and hit my father's number to call him.

  What on earth was with the outdated letter? It sounded like he was going somewhere and getting sentimental about it. I waited patiently, taking a deep breath. As usual, it went straight through to voicemail. I waited for the beep.

  "Papa, it's me, Cat. Can you please call me back when you get this. I just received a very strange letter from you. Okay, I love you. Bye."

  I didn't know then that that voicemail recording would be the last time I would hear my father's voice. An hour later, I got the call from Uncle Darius that he was dead. And we didn't even know why.

  I was dumbfounded. Numb. Random thoughts tumbling through my head.

  This could not be happening. How could it have happened? It couldn't be real. Could it? No. No. It was all a mistake. A really big, huge mistake. And what did this mean? Murdered? How? Who? And why would anyone want to hurt my father?

  My mind was running a million miles per hour as I stood in front of the coffin, clenching my hands into fists. My grief giving way to anger at the injustice of it all.

  How could life be so unfair? My father didn’t deserve this.

  I stood in resolute silence, staring unseeing at the flowers adorning the lid as the throng of people filed passed me on their way out. Their small gestures of comfort and whispered condolences going unheard to my ears.

  I'm not sure how long I stood there, but when I finally broke through the haze, I bent and kissed the cross upon the lid, placing my hand one last time longingly on my father's final resting place, and turned to leave.

  "We'll find out who did this Catalina. If it's the last thing I do, it will be to bring the people responsible to justice."

  I just nodded in silence at Uncle Darius, who looked just as mad as I felt. There was a look in his eye that I'd never seen before, and I knew he meant business.

  "If there is anything I can do for you Catalina. Let me know." He held out his hands and I threw my arms around his waist, hugging him close. Throughout my whole life, Uncle Darius had always been there for me. I grew up with him always by my father's side and he was always gifting me with surprises as a young girl. I was glad for his support now and knowing he was still by my side, the only remaining immediate family member left.

  "If you need some time, I can run your father's business
es if you like. I know them well, and it’s of no bother. No one will think anything of it."

  I released myself from his grasp, dabbing at my eyes again. Luckily my makeup had not left any smudges on my uncle's designer suit. Not that he would have cared.

  I shook my head. "No. It's okay. Papá wanted me to take over. I want to do that. Make him proud."

  He nodded, "Did he leave you any instructions? Tell you anything in particular?"

  "Not really. He left me a strange letter, but it didn't say much. I'll figure things out."

  "I'm sure you will. Have it your way." He smiled, "When did you stop being my playful Kitty Cat, and turn into a grown up?"

  I smiled wanly, "Cat or not, I'll always need your help, Tío. You'll be there right? To help me run things? You're the only one I can trust. The family, what's left of us, needs to stick together."

  "You don't even have to ask. I'm here for you always." He nodded up the aisle at the group of men patiently waiting, " I think that's our cue to leave. Ready?"

  "I just need a moment."

  "Okay, I'll see you at the burial." He gave my shoulder a final squeeze and walked up the aisle to join the others who were patiently waiting to carry what was left of my father through the cemetery to his final resting place. I turned back to the sleek coffin, placing a hand on it one more time.

  "I love you papa. I'll see you in heaven. I'm going to make you proud."

  With that, I picked up my black handbag from the seat beside me and slowly made my way up the aisle. I nodded at the group of men who were my father's closest friends.

  "Thank you for waiting."

  They nodded, murmuring their condolences as I stepped out into the adjoining vestibule to wait and follow the procession outside. From here I could see the external yard was already packed with throngs of people. My father's death had sent a shock wave through the city. He was a beloved politician and multi-millionaire who the people appreciated. He was a man of his word, and truly helped where he could, even if it meant dipping into his own pocket.

  So why would anyone want to kill him?

  Through the glass window I could see it was getting late, the setting sun casting long shadows through the swaying trees. The throng of people outside had begun to light their candles and the glow of their light danced across the thousands of brightly colored flowers they held aloft. In true Spanish tradition, it was time to celebrate his life as he was buried.

  Taking a deep breath to steal myself before I joined the crowd, I turned, jumping slightly as I caught sight of a man in the shadows behind me. His face was half obscured by the dark, and the large hood he wore.

  "H-hello. I'm sorry. I didn't see you there."

  The man just stood there. Not saying a word. Watching me.

  "I'm Catalina. Wh-Who are you?"

  No response. My eyes darted around the room. I was acutely aware that we were alone.

  "Are you a friend of my father's?"

  He remained silent, unmoving. I started to feel my skin cover in goose bumps and my heart start to race. Something wasn't quite right here. I swallowed the rising lump in my throat, as he slowly shook his head in answer to my question.

  I took an involuntary step back towards the doorway, my heart now racing as he moved towards me. I screamed, turning just in time to see the funeral home doors open and the coffin bearers emerge.

  "Are you alright, Catalina?" Hugo, one of my father's men looked at me with concern.

  Relief flowed through me at the sight of familiar faces, and I quickly looked over my shoulder in search of the stranger, but could see no one there.

  "Y-yes, I'm fine. Thank you, Hugo. Shall we?" I indicated to the front door and the men proceeded to exit. I took one quick look behind me, frowning.

  Where did he go?

  Not wanting to find out, I quickly followed the others and lost myself in the crowd of people as they proceeded after the coffin, singing and swaying. As I moved through the throng of people, joining in the singing, I smiled at the adults and children who had come to celebrate my father. He was truly loved by many, and it warmed my heart to see it. It wasn't until we were nearly at the Rivera mausoleum that I caught sight of the hooded man off to one side. Standing still. Watching me as the crowd moved around him.

  What a creep!

  "It's okay, Catalina. It's okay." I whispered to myself. Feeling relatively safe amongst the other people, I stopped to get a better look. This time I could partially see his facial features in the flickering candlelight. His tanned skin, square jawline and piercing bright eyes seemed to see right through me. If I wasn't so spooked by him, I would have thought him an extremely attractive man.

  I took a steadying breath, "Just keep walking, Catalina."

  Slowly, I continued to walk amongst the people, watching him out of the corner of my eye. He followed at a distance, never once taking his eyes off me, until without warning he started striding in my direction, pushing his way through the many celebrating people between us.

  The involuntary gasp that left my throat was swallowed up in the noise of the crowd, and my feet finally jumped into action, stumbling backwards. I looked in horror at the hooded man that was now only a few yards away and reaching out his arm to me. Screaming, I turned to get away, breaking through the people and staggering down a path between two rows of headstones. The cold granite loomed up around me on both sides, blocking out what little light the half-moon shed, making it hard to see. As I ran, I tried to look over my shoulder but could see only shadows.

  I screamed again as arms came out of nowhere and encircled my body. Hands stifling the screams from my mouth.

  The last thing I remember was falling, pain shooting through my head, and seeing bright stars shoot across my eyes, before everything went black….

  Chapter two


  Just when you thought this city couldn't get any worse, things get fucken worse.

  I looked out over the city of Los Angeles, drumming my fingers against the leather armchair, my other hand slowly swirling a glass of cognac. Thoughts of the current attacks on our real estate were making me more on edge than I'd like to admit, and it was the last thing I needed right now. The destruction of our properties, the raids on our warehouses, the missing stock and money, and the constant disappearances of our members were all problems that needed to be extinguished like a flaming bag of shit to be stomped out on a front doorstep.

  We had started that stomping tonight, but as I watched the small plume of smoke in the distance rise into the morning air, I felt no sense of satisfaction. I rubbed the side of my temple with my fingertips, willing away the tension in my head as I felt the first vestiges of a migraine start to throb. As if I wasn't dealing with enough already, another problem lay right beside me.

  I looked down at the sleeping woman who had been in a coma for over two months. At first, I had thought she was a burden, taking up our valuable time, but the more time I spent with her, the more I realized she was just the respite I needed. She seemed so peaceful, so serene in her slumber, and I had come to find her silent breathing calming in a world that had so much chaos. Here was the only place I had time to think in complete silence, although sometimes I found myself distracted by her beauty. The more I looked upon her face, the more beautiful she had become.

  I reached out a hand and ran it through the long black curly hair that framed her face. A face that had pale flawless skin and pink full lips that seemed to always have a hint of a smile. I brushed my thumb over them softly wondering if they would ever speak again, and what it would be like to kiss them.

  Letting out a deep breath, I leaned back in my chair and admired her. How I wished that those long dark lashes of hers would flutter open. I wanted to see the color of her eyes, but I almost dreaded the day I would see them. No woman had ever captivated me so and I feared just one look from her, and I'd be in trouble.

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