Filthy Desire: Mafia Romance (Filthy Dons Book 1), page 1

Filthy Desire
Filthy Dons Book 1
Copyright © 2023 by A. Olsen
Editor: Alicia Dean
Cover Design: A. Olsen
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. This is a work of fiction and should be treated as such.
Warning: graphic language, violence, sex, dubcon. Mentions of assault, kidnapping, torture, drug/alcohol use.
Trademarks: All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
1. Gio
2. Kara
3. Gio
4. Kara
5. Gio
6. Kara
7. Gio
8. Gio
9. Kara
10. Gio
11. Kara
12. Gio
13. Kara
14. Kara
15. Gio
16. Kara
17. Gio
18. Gio
A Note From the Author
“The escort has arrived.”
“Already?” Giancarlo ‘Gio’ Ferraro looked at his watch. “She’s a half hour early.”
“Do you want her to wait in the parking garage?”
“No, you know the drill. I’ll be there as soon as I can,” Gio replied and ended the call.
As the most powerful don in New York, Gio thrived on routines and being in control. He didn’t like surprises, including early guests. But given that he was about to get laid tonight, he let the matter slide. But first thing tomorrow he’d contact the agency to make sure this mistake didn’t happen again.
Being caught off guard made him edgy.
He was stuck in midtown traffic on a busy Saturday evening, and he wouldn’t get home to Brooklyn for another half hour. His guest would have to wait.
Gio tapped his phone and the security feed for his penthouse apartment popped up. He watched as the woman, his escort for the night, was brought inside by his chief of security, Roman Divoli.
Roman was a trusted friend from childhood and Gio’s right-hand employee since he was twenty-three, just before Gio’s father passed. Roman’s father Angelo had been Gio Sr.’s lead security and so the family tradition continued. Being an only child, Gio took over the family business at a young age from his grandfather and had built the Ferraro empire into the multi-million-dollar success it was today.
But Gio was never satisfied and, at thirty-five, he craved more. Always more. The money, the power, it was never enough.
Gio was always on the hunt.
And he so enjoyed watching his prey tonight.
The blonde was just his type, with nice curves and a face that was pretty but not too made up. A bit on the slender side but whatever.
Gio watched as Roman walked her down the long hallway and opened the main bedroom door. Once the woman was inside, Roman closed the door, locked it, and headed back to the foyer. Roman looked up at the camera and gave a thumbs up.
The woman took her clothes off and headed for the bathroom. Good. She knew the routine and Gio’s expectations.
As with every woman Gio requested from the Q Agency, the escort was to arrive promptly, shower, and wait for him in his bed.
Using the service saved him time, and time was precious to a man as busy as Gio. Controlling legal and not-so-legal businesses was a careful juggling act. Gio was handsome enough to draw the ladies, with thick black hair, dark blue eyes, and a permanent five o’clock shadow. But he didn’t have time to woo a woman, and he didn’t care to. His wealth had many benefits and having women on call was one of them.
Gio’s blood began to pump fast and hot as he thought about all the ways he wanted to fuck this one tonight.
He was on edge after several meetings that didn’t go as expected. His legal businesses were doing fine but his underground operations, in particular the casino in New Jersey, was plagued with missing cash. The books weren’t adding up. Some asshole was duping him, stealing his money, and Gio’s anger was set to unleash.
No one betrayed him and got away with it. No one.
When Gio caught whoever it was, they would die a painful death.
He’d had his security team, including Roman and his second in command, Vincent Verano, working on figuring out who was responsible.
Until then, Gio would have to be satisfied with fucking away his stress. He didn’t even care to look at the woman’s face as he railed her. He just wanted to pound every hole - her pussy, her mouth, her ass - and get the relief he craved.
Other people used alcohol and drugs, and he’d enjoyed his share when he was younger. But Gio’s vice now was sex. He needed it often, and the agency was the perfect solution. He didn’t need to bother with flirting. The escorts arrived willing and eager. And well compensated for their time.
Glancing at his phone, he noticed that the woman had exited the bathroom but was now wandering over to his closet. She opened the doors and peered in, then began to check each one of his suits.
What the fuck was this?
The women he paid never disobeyed the orders they were given by the agency. They showered, got into bed, and waited for him. They weren’t stupid enough to snoop around in his closet.
The woman wandered back out and pulled her phone out of her purse. She was holding the phone up. It looked like she was taking pictures.
Then she began searching the dressers and the nightstands. Fucking hell.
Gio tapped his phone, calling Roman.
“What’s up, Gio?” Roman answered.
“Get that fucking woman out of my bedroom! She’s taking pictures and snooping through my stuff. I don’t know what the hell is going on but grab her phone and keep her locked up until I get there.”
“Right away, boss.”
Why would the woman take such a stupid risk? Did she not understand the terms of her contract? Did she have no idea who he was?
He could have her disappear in the blink of an eye and no one would ever find her.
Gio tapped the feed again and watched as Roman and Vincent entered the bedroom. The woman screamed but Roman grabbed her purse while Vincent threw her clothes at her, urging her to get dressed. The woman put her dress back on but kept yelling and throwing a fit as they dragged her out of the bedroom and down the hallway. She was pulled into Gio’s private office and Vincent cuffed her to a chair.
Roman headed back out into the hallway and tapped on his phone.
Gio’s cell rang.
“She said she did nothing and is obviously pissed as hell,” Roman muttered.
“Bullshit, she was looking through my stuff and taking snaps. I’ll deal with her as soon as I get there. I need you to book a call with the agency. I want an explanation for this behavior, and I want it now,” Gio demanded.
“On it. See you shortly.”
Gio’s plans for the evening went down the shitter as he stared at his phone. Could this day get any worse?
Thankfully, his driver got him to Brooklyn within half an hour.
Once inside the underground garage, he was met by Roman. Escorting him to the private elevator, Roman handed over the woman’s phone.
“Has she said anything else?” Gio asked.
“Nope. I got you an appointment with Kara Delaine at 9 PM.”
“The owner of the Q Agency,” Roman replied.
“Right. Sorry. She’s got a lot of explaining to do,” Gio growled.
By the time the elevator reached the penthouse, Gio’s temper was smoking hot.
He stalked down the hallway and entered his office. Vincent was sitting on a chair opposite the blonde.
“Good evening,” Gio announced.
The blonde jumped and stared at him with wide eyes, black streaks of mascara running down her face.
He walked around to sit behind his desk, taking his time and controlling his words despite his anger.
“My name is Gio Ferraro and I’m your client. Or I was, until I saw you rifling through my bedroom. I want an answer from you. Tell me why you were searching my room. And before you answer, think very fucking carefully. I’m not a man you can con. Tell me the truth.”
The blonde bit her lip. “I was looking for drugs, and cash. I need a hit real bad. Or, at least money so I can get a hit.”
Gio leaned forward and noticed the woman’s bloodshot eyes, the sheen of sweat on her far too pale skin, and the quick breaths she was taking. “You’re in withdrawal?”
The woman nodded vigorously. “I just need one hit of coke and I’ll be good to go. I--”
Gio held up his hand and she stopped talking.
“Vincent, take her downstairs to the club and get her what she needs. Stay with her for a while. Then let her go,” Gio ordered. “But I’m keeping this.” He held up her phone.
“But I need my phone, man! I gotta work.”
Gio s
“You’re lucky to be leaving here alive. Give me your passcode,” Gio stated calmly. “Or I’ll have Vincent here do some damage to your face. And that might make finding your next job rather difficult.”
The woman trembled and nodded. After she gave up her passcode, Gio tested it and he nodded at Vincent.
Vincent hauled her up and out of the room as Roman slipped into his office.
“That’s a surprise. Normally the women are well vetted and do as their told.”
Gio nodded. “This appointment with the agency owner, is it by phone?”
“Yes. I figured that’s what you’d prefer.”
“No. I want to speak to this Kara Delaine face to face. I’m paying hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for high quality women, and she sends me an addict with the fucking shakes. She’s got a shit load of explaining to do.”
“I’ll get hold of her and set it up.”
“Now Roman. I want to talk to her now!” Gio yelled.
“On it, boss.”
Roman left the office and Gio sat back in his chair, taking a deep breath to calm his temper.
Picking up the woman’s phone, he entered the passcode and perused her messages and pictures. He discovered her name was Sara and that she lived on the Upper East Side with two roommates. He glanced through her browser history.
The photos were mainly New York hot spots including nightclubs, bars, and restaurants. A few pics at someone’s private party and a fashion show. And of course, the pictures of his bedroom. He deleted those.
She also had several text messages. One from her handler at the agency giving her the instructions for tonight, another text from her drug dealer who refused to give her anything until she paid her growing tab, one from a friend, and one from her sister.
He spent over an hour looking through every item on her phone, including social media, but it was all about fashion and beauty. Nothing nefarious. She likely wasn’t a spy. Just an addict with poor self-control and bad judgement.
Still, he’d have Roman wipe her phone.
Gio’s phone buzzed.
“Yes?” Gio answered.
“Kara Delaine is here,” Roman replied.
“Send her in.”
Gio was looking forward to this conversation. He was going to take all his goddamn frustration out on Kara Delaine. Then he’d hit a club and find an eager woman. The day was shitty so far, but it wasn’t over yet. Gio wasn’t one to give up or admit defeat. And he always got what he wanted.
A minute later, there was a knock on his door.
“Enter!” Gio yelled as he checked his phone and replied to a few messages.
The door opened and Gio stood up, buttoning his navy suit jacket.
“Kara Delaine,” Roman announced.
The first thing Gio noticed about the woman entering his office was her unusual green eyes, so pale they were almost translucent.
Gio had the urge to look away which wasn’t like him at all. Was this in fact a woman or a fucking witch?
As their eyes met, an unexpected chill ran up his spine, but he ruthlessly ignored it.
She was younger than he’d imagined. Maybe late twenties, with long auburn hair styled in voluminous waves, like a movie star pinup from the 40s.
The glamour look continued with full red lips, curved in a confident smirk.
That caught his attention.
Most people, when called to his office, were overcome with fear - sweating, trembling, and nervous as hell.
But not her. She wandered in with a purposeful stride. Bold as fuck.
A black suit clung to every curve on her body, and as she stepped closer, her scent wafted over him.
Jasmine, rose, vanilla. It was subtle, warm, and undeniably sexy.
Jesus Christ, Gio, remember why she’s here.
Something about her face felt familiar to him but he couldn’t place her. Had they met before? No. He would have remembered such unforgettable eyes.
He ignored the flutter of warning in his belly. Just like he ignored her scent and everything else about her.
Motioning for her to sit in a chair, he studied her movements. Once she was seated, he leaned on his desk, crossed his arms, and stared down at her.
She may be confident now, but in another minute, she’d be begging him for mercy.
Just the way he liked it.
Being called to a client’s home was never a good sign.
Being called to Gio Ferraro’s residence at nine on a Saturday night was worse. So much worse.
Kara wracked her brain, but she couldn’t figure out why she’d been requested. She’d sent Sara here over an hour ago and assumed everything was fine. Sara hadn’t texted back but that was normal. Most of the women who worked for her would text around midnight, when Gio was finished with them.
Gio was her top client, with weekly visits and generous tips. But judging by the sour look on his chiseled face, she gathered that he was less than satisfied with Sara’s performance.
Kara was ready for his ire.
“Do you enjoy your business Ms. Delaine?” Gio asked as he looked down at her.
Ah yes, the power move. Stand and stare over the person you’re confronting and earn the edge. Make them nervous. Keep the upper hand.
Fuck that.
Kara had been dealing with influential men and women her entire life and she wasn’t intimidated by anyone. She grew up a senator’s daughter in Washington D.C. for god’s sake. Meeting powerful people was everyday life. And since making a home here in the Big Apple nine years ago, she’d continued to use her brains to get what she wanted. Not even the don of New York’s most notorious family, the Ferraro’s, could frighten her. She’d faced trials before and she was still here.
Men like Gio were challenging to deal with but she was up to the task. A spark of excitement filled her as she thought about going toe to toe with the ‘filthy don’ as Gio was referred to by the media.
“I enjoy my work very much, Mr. Ferraro. Do you enjoy yours?” Kara replied with a smile.
His blue eyes flashed with an intense heat that suggested he was angry as hell.
“I do,” he murmured in a deep baritone.
The velvety sound made Kara shiver.
“Especially when I get to evaluate people and decide whether they stay or…go.”
“Having the power to hire and fire is a heady thing,” she replied, willing her heart rate to calm.
The longer he stared, the more she wanted to fidget.
Don’t give him the satisfaction. Remember, you’re the Queen of the Q Agency.
“It is. I thrive on it. And do you know why? Because my standards are very high. If someone isn’t working as they should, they need to be brought to task. And taught a lesson,” he bit out, the clench of his jaw telling.
Kara met his gaze head on and refused to look away. “I assume that’s why I’m here? To be taught a lesson? Even though I still don’t know why I was called.”
“But you still came,” he stated.
“When my number one client requests a meeting, I answer. Normally I prefer phone or text but I’m not going to say no to Gio Ferraro.”
“Really?” Gio smiled and a dimple popped out on his left cheek.
His grin was beautiful but dangerous, and a tendril of fear swirled inside her.
“That’s wise. Do you know that every experience I’ve had with your agency, until now, has been highly satisfactory? The women are exceptionally beautiful, talented, and follow my requests to the letter.”
“But not Sara? Was there an issue this evening?”
Gio pulled a phone out of his pocket and tapped it, then turned it around so Kara could view it.
“Watch,” he commanded.
Kara stared at the screen. Sara was let into the apartment, then the bedroom. She got undressed and headed for the shower. That was normal. That what Gio’s usual request.